What Planet Is Muhbeen On?

…Or, Muhbeen pulls a fast one

The leaflet below is being widely distributed in some of the central areas of Rotherham.

Put out by Muhbeen Hussain, who has been all over the media like a rash, trying to promote himself as Mr Clean and a politician for the future.

The truth about Muhbeen and his uncle Mahroof is on it’s way. But in the meantime, we bring you this piece of self promoting nonsense.

Muhbeen Leaflet

65 thoughts on “What Planet Is Muhbeen On?

  1. Why Muslim youth? What about Rotherham youth! I have to say that the Pakistani community are the first to segregate themselves as isolation is part of their belief system in terms of the rest of us. I live in Eastwood for many years and the true feelings of Pakistani people towards others is beyond racist. I do smile when I see people like this who promote the concept that the abusers were in the minority as Muslims see white girls as the lowest of the low. I guess they will spout how they protect women and proclaim the burka is for the woman’s own good but maybe just maybe they will also admit that religion is a private matter but we all know that without the diversity quote most if not all would not go very far in local politics


  2. How come Fast4 taxi’s is a sponsor on this when it is well known the most prolific taxi drivers that were involved in this scandal came from predominately two taxi firms; Goldstar and Fast4 taxis. Funny that hmm.


  3. I can’t understand why there is an image of the Pakistan flag on the poster. hardly inclusive. Are non-Pakistani Muslims not welcome…
    … to come to the meeting to be held at the Town Hall ?


    • That’s a very good question. We should be told why a bunch of self serving nobodies, get use of the Town Hall, at a time when it would normally be shut tight?
      How much are they paying, or did uncle Mahroof fix it for him to get free use?


      • Rothpol,
        given that some 350 people have so far indicated that they will be attending and that it is described as a demonstration I think it means that their gathering point will be outside the Town Hall.


  4. Muhbeen, poacher turned gamekeeper? He is also an accomplished liar, if his television appearances are anything to go by. The ‘Manuel, I know nothing ‘ defence , will simply not wash!


  5. Segregation all the way. Well done to the people who have organised and gone with it.
    All the best to those who attend to promote segregation.
    Obviously proves the point that this community has not learned from the mistakes that were made.
    Would be interested to know who attends and what the agenda is.

    I bet all the usual community leaders with the young would be leaders blaming others instead of asking those that were responsible to stand up and be counted for.
    Oh well still the same old Rotherham sigh.


  6. why is it that Muslim men come forward, not the wormen. could someone tell me the reason as some the Muslim women I have met are a lot brighter then their men


  7. Can you clear something up for me. The grooming gang that was eventually convicted consisted of eleven defendants. Although several received prison sentences who were the rest? I was told that allegedly there were members of a Pakistani councillor’s family amongst those arrested. Does anyone know where these names will be recorded? Or are these people’s names available through a FOI request to SY Police? If this is true then there is no ‘I wasn’t aware’ defence!


  8. Another Hussain from Rotherham,Raja aged 39 in the daily mail today,given a 8 month suspended sentence for groping a young girl on the train from Sheffield.


  9. Be grateful if we could return to the matter at hand,

    Muhbeen’s fantasies.that he didn’t know what was going on?
    He presents himself as a Mr Clean, ready to take the place of the fallen.
    Muhbeen is just another avaricious, get rich quick merchant, who will simply take their place and continue the corrupt ‘business as usual’, mentality. Do not be deceived by this charlatan, Muhbeen does not speak on anyone’s behalf but his own!


  10. What we need is every single Cllr to put up their seat for re-election … and if Muhbeen fancies his chances .. then have a go ..But ultimately it should be all the people of Rotherham that decide .


  11. At least 350, attending and rising, according to facebook. It is a shame all 350 plus were not in All Saints Square on Saturday, but everyone who wants to see justice for the victims, but opposes the demonisation of the Asian muslim community should be there, whatever race or religious background. I don’t see where smashing up Ridge Road Mosque will help the abused.


  12. As mentioned in the report and in the EDL speech it was only A1 drivers that were convicted of the child grooming offences. Why is everyone quiet on this matter ? Is it because Jeff Williams who has all the child services contract is white? Or the fact that he was involved and that his drivers got away with only a caution??

    A1 needs boycotting first , and the transport of children services contract should be taken away from him.

    The recent incident in rotherham , Raja Hussain 39 is a phoenix taxi driver !


  13. Ahh right EDL came into THEIR area (Asian kids) …. Not OUR area . I also saw it all but I do not live in Eastwood …. And I do not think they came looking for trouble .. Most RUFC matches see more trouble than what was seen on that day . They were standing up for 1400 children who have been abused … you get your facts straight.


    • the pakistani community left eastwood some years back to let there house’s out to the slovak people most are now in the broom area of rothetham .the pakistanis left in eastwood feel betrayed and let down by pakistani which left years back .


  14. I have to say it’s rotten cabbages like moofy and his nephew queen muhbeen who like to segregate us. This so called organisation was founded in Bradford, it has no link with Rotherham and emerged out of thin air. Queen Muhbeen does not represent Rotherham and nor does he represent the Muslim brotherhood. We were betrayed by Labour so why the hell should we let Labour (moofy) sneak it’s venom right back in through it’s decedent Queen Muhbeen. The likes of such atrocities do not represent all British Muslims in the slightest. This type of segregation and make dominance and disrespect towards women only exists in the minds of the Ali, Akhtar, Moofy and sons trilogy. Queen Muhbeen is no a public authority. As for the reason women haven’t come forward then I suggest you ask the fools who are following this mob gang aka founder fathers of the Queen Muhbeen foundation


  15. Church leaders would be delighted to gather to express our desire for peace and harmony with our Muslim neighbours (and those of all other faiths and none) should an invite come from bona fide representatives of those communities. We have had our own gathering to pray and I am sure invites will come soon from churches to others of good will to express, together, our love and concern for Rotherham. Lets hope we get together soon. This is advertised as a united multicultural event but no official invites to other faith groups have been issued that I am aware of…i am happy to be corrected on that…


    • If it is truly multicultural why dos the leaflet feature a Pakistani flag? A small minority of the Muslims I know originate from that country.
      Thankfully the EDL will be demonstrating at Downing Street on Saturday.


      • I believe this British Muslim Youth is no different to EDL.
        They are claiming its gona be peacful protest.
        Queen Mubeen you fool you will be inside the Town Hall.
        Who are you kidding?
        Will you be paying for hiring the town hall?
        No i dont think so?


  16. If a member of Shauket Ali’s family stood trial for CSE and Mubheen/Mahroof Hussain are related to Ali, then it seems beyond belief that non of the above discussed the matter or were unaware! Yet not one person in the media have asked that question! Also Mahroof Hussain was in charge of community cohesion so are we to believe he was unaware of the problem, didn’t know anyone involved ( including Akhtar’s relative as well as his own) and he never attended meetings when it was discussed or received reports? It would say a lot about his attitude towards his responsibilities if he didn’t! He should resign if he knew and resign if he didn’t due to total incompetence! In short, we don’t believe you, RESIGN!




        • Until you left your comment I had never heard of him, if that answers your first question.
          I leave hiding the truth to those who specialise in those things. Rothpol attempts to shine a light on political wrongdoing and attempts to encourage others in scrutinising our political masters!


      • URGENT call for each and everyone of YOU!!! ROTHERHAM is SINKING! It is hanging by a THREAD. The EDL scum and the groomers have ruined the lives our of OUR CHILDREN and are destroying us. Time has come to STAND UP AND SPEAK UP. WE SHALL NOT BE SILENT. The AUTHORITIES have FAILED us! They have FAILED OUR CHILDREN. The time has NOW come to REBUILD Rotherham from the ASHES of this RUIN. Join US in laying your brick on the path to a brighter future. You can either MAKE history or BECOME history. It’s NOW or NEVER. SATURDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2014 – 2.15 PM ROTHERHAM TOWN HALL – BE THERE!!!!!
        PASS IT ON!!


  18. Dear Muhbeen

    Your (self promotion) demo is not about the abuses that took place but more about you and projecting yourself a “comuunitee leader!”.

    If you really want to make a difference, start by naming and shaming the groomers and abusers involved in the biraderi. Here is a pointer name Councillor Shaukat’s nephew involved in the grooming gang that was jailed a few years back but he was also tried and acquitted.

    But now with a lot more evidence who knows what the outcome would be?


    • If Queen Muhbeen, (name given because he is purely glory hunting), were to name and shame his uncle and co then he might quite catch the Labour party’s attention. He possibly wants to stand for the elections. He has no sympathy for the 1400, he just wants to gain the Muslim vote hence the Islamic speakers. Nothing more nothing less. The question is are we going to be taken for a ride by New Labour all over again?


  19. I have to query what was the end product of these sponsors in relating to the event? in news reports i clearly recognised one speaker who was from the taxi firm in the list of sponsors. this person “just happened” to be get some microphone time at the event also…on what basis? other than to stroke that person’s ego to be ‘proud’ that he was on the news talking about ‘humanity’ when i doubt he’s ever shown that to others…!


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