Freedom Riders deserve praise and recognition

From the Star letters pages:

The South Yorkshire Freedom Rider campaigners deserve the praise and recognition for standing up and fighting for the rights of vulnerable people and public transport with their peaceful protests.

Not only should there be affordable and accessible public transport but it’s right it should be free and concessionary for the elderly and disabled.

6 thoughts on “Freedom Riders deserve praise and recognition

  1. Should be free to everyone – far simpler than picking out those who are more deserving than others. Its really only the least well off who use buses anyway. Could be subsidised by 1p on every litre of petrol sold. Would be a genuine green policy.


  2. I’m proud of what the Freedom Riders have done. Indeed on other sites, when spreading the word, they are seen as an inspiration on how it should be done. (And they positive comments have come from left right and centre)

    I was talking to people of many backgrounds at a recent national seminar on public transport and and disability access and the Freedom Riders are seen as a bench march for local community based protest, and like the mass trespass movement of my Grandparents days have started a movement that is spreading nationwide. Despite what some ditstractors may want to claim they have no political slants, no political tricks up their sleeves, no political intent or gain, just a tactic of sticking to the issues with determination and exposing the misuse of power. The movement is a credit to South Yorkshire.

    Public transport – which many rely on – has been going down in hill since deregulation. For many pensioners and disabled people access to free travel is a lifeline. Without it they are isolated. What may seem simple daily routine for many – for a large section of the population a short trip to the local shops, town, doctors, hospital, luncheon club, support group or even food bank is a major concern. Indeed in many instances it s their only contact with humanity.

    My own personal view is that if we can’t care and provide for the aged,disabled and those in need in society then we aren’t a society at all – well not one that can be proud. Free public transport may seem a triviality for some locked away in their own little personal world – but for the individuals locked away day after day in their own homes – cut off from the world – its one of the most important issues they face.

    Of course some oppose it and see it has just another cost. Many see it has a personal burden. Without forethought or consideration that their own personal circumstances could and will change – we all get old and many of us with age acquire a multitude of disabilities – they espouse the ethos of ‘I’m alright Jack /Jane and what does it do for me’ rather ‘what does it do for others’. And that is what I find most depressing, although not surprising.

    More power to the Freedom Riders I say. And to those – like some who have commented negatively in reply to Mr Dempsey’s letter on the link I say – ‘Look at the bigger world outside your own closeted one – one day you will most likely need such assistance – and if you don’t support the pensioners now you’ll regret it when you’re older.’



    • Thanks sally good post as usual.

      There are some sad people who live in their own little bubble or part of the me me society.

      There were similar comments when Remploy factories were being shut by successive governments and the disabled discarded to scrapheap. One of the most offensive acts by.politicians.


  3. Victory!. Charges dropped against George and Tony. Shows that resistance isn’t useless. Well done guys, and everyone involved in the campaign.


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