Another failed Ofsted inspection

Another failure documented in an inspection report:

Ofsted Report no 2 click here to download.

Another ofsted inspection, different children’s home from the last one. Still children being failed in Rotherham!

Thanks to our spotter for this, Rik.

See also:

53 thoughts on “Another failed Ofsted inspection

  1. Post Jay report, post Casey report, a team of highly paid unaccountable commissioners parachuted in, a new lead for Children Services and still they fail to deliver safe services for looked after children.
    Rotherham council must be infested by the most incompetent, lazy set of individuals anywhere in local government.
    Empty platitudes from senior officer no longer hold water, the scrutiny committee lacks the ability to hold the senior management team to account, and commissioners are out of their depth and are unable to provide any direction or leadership.
    And while children remain at risk the commissioners with their snouts firmly in the civic trough drag in hundreds of pounds a day for being incompetent and out of touch.
    Time they got out from their five star office suites and take a look at the reality that Ofted has uncovered.


    • Also bear in mind, that this very same organisation Ofsted fail to detect what was going wrong in Rotherham for years, so it is in their interest to bad mouth Rotherham to pretend that they are finally doing a decent job. However this doesn’t excuse Rotherham Councils continually failure to offer a more than exceptional service to these kids, in the light of what happen before.

      Rotherham, by now should have one of the most brilliant Children Services in the country, in fact it should be the best, with all the inspections, and help it has recieved, so to say it is mildly disappointing that it is still failing, would be an understatement.


    • Of course they will , but they still need the capacity, so they’ll change the name to residential care and hope nobody will notice it’s still a care home for trouble children.


  2. What Ofsted failed to do in Rotherham was mirrored this side of the M1, but Ofsted have only just started being positively critical, whilst the M1-west council denies of course.


  3. Having actually read the report the only current problem seems to stem from the influx of “Agency Staff”. If that is the case there are otherand better solutions than closing it down.


    • If it’s Agency staff, then it’s poor pay and poor morale. They couldn’t give a damn about the children, hence them not following proper procedures. Sometimes, well trained, motivated, and rewarded public servants are the only option. Sad that some bastard is making money out of childrens misery.


  4. Time for J Parfrement and “lead” commissioner to go. A tad suss that Ofsted is cracking the whip after years of not seeing any problems at RMBC !!


    • But at least they ARE now cracking the whip. Like the CQC, Ofsted were pretty slack when it came to inspections, but with all the negative publicity they seem to be getting it together a bit more. If Ofsted have now started to realised their mistakes and (as it appears) started to be a bit more thorough in their inspections then we can’t really criticise them for that, can we? If only the same could be said of RMBC.


    • Better late than never, if it’s putting pressure on these incompetent bums to do there jobs betters then it’s good for the children, and that’s all that matters really.


    • Just read the BBC story and the Ofsted report, everybody is in a self congratulating mood, if they slap each other any more, in the back, it would be term as abuse. All are claiming that new services have been put in places and they’ve all made tremendous strides. They listening now and low and behold, they now realise what grooming and child abuse is about. Wow it seems these people only learn, after they get exposed.

      Still no education in the schools about the dangers of the Pakistani’s , only 10 arrests since Jay, no convictions, but there making massive improvements.

      One thing that puzzle me, why haven’t they tackle the real problem here, the Pakistani’s. Surely making them address there disease would go a lot way in stopping this abuse in the first place.


      • If you are sooooooooooo ill informed why speak at all? What do you think Operation Clover is? What do you think the NCA is doing? How much work, including providing support for witnesses which is key to making convictions stick must be going on currently? Like I say if you haven’t a clue don’t embarrass yourself. The link posted isn’t self congratulatory on anyone’s part but the voice of a survivor. Read again. Also, given that perpetrators, abusers exists in all races tackling only one isn’t the answer at all.


  5. Since we’re talking about the abuse committed in Rotherham. Against 1400+ White girls, can you answer me these questions:-

    Was the Abuse committed by White, Asian, excluding Pakistani, African, West Indian, North & South American, eastern & Western Europeans, as described in the Jay & Casey reports, over the period of 1997-2014.

    Did the above groups target the children at Schools, Care Homes, Shopping malls, Taxis, Parks etc to Commit such abuse?

    Did the above groups, transport these children, without their consent to other towns and had them violated by multiply assailants.

    Did not the Police and the authorities, know about all of this since the 1990’s.

    So whatever little they are now doing, is useless and too late for the majority of children and their families. Another thing too, we the vast majority of the public, are having to folk our vital tax payers money, to sort the mess cause by these people, so we have every right to comment on this matter. Remember it was because people never said anything before, this has happened.


    • So, the Jay Report as I undertstand it covers 1997 – 2013. Her estimate is that 1400 white girls were abused by men described as Pakistani. Operation Clover run by the police and the council is bringing charges through the courts now which includes numerous Pakistani men and two white women and the National Crime Agency is working through the information Jay has seen covering the above period of time. The NCA has said publicly that they have over 3000 lines of enquiry live and have over 300 perpetrators potentially in sight. This answers your erroneous claims above I feel. The survivor in the piece above says things are changing and Commissioners have only been her a few months. I stated that other races abuse in Rotherham which is a fact. I’m not sure what’s happening in schools but I would hope that children are being taught that abusers come in all backgrounds, shapes and sizes and to look out for the signs of grooming. As for your defeatist comment about it being too late to do anything, again why comment if that’s the case? I disagree, it’s never too late to bring people to justice and given the vast experience of the commissioners Rotherham is in a good position to tackle years of the faliure widely acknowledged.


      • Rotherham will be forever damn by what the Pakistani’s did and there complainant white friends. lets be clear here, normal child abuse is conducted by maybe a person within a family, sick individual or very rarely a group, sometimes within an institution. No where in the annals of such behaviour, apart organised crime, as such horrific abuse been directed at a particular racial group and adolescence girls, by a group, who believed that they were superior to others and therefore above the common law and the law of morality.

        Why is it so differcult for people to admit, that the Pakistani’s have a serious problem of sexual abuse, againist women /girls. I find it insulting that some people, when trying to defend the indefensible, will peddle the mantra that things are getting better and justice is blind and slow, but will eventually prevail. BS.

        for those who claim that this isnt different from other abuses againist children, could they please direct me to where there has been documented evidence of this form of abuse, in UK, whereby the preptrators were related? Was Grandfathers, fathers, sons, uncles, cousins, second cousins etc. You will never beat this crime until you deal with the people and their culture/religion, who are causing so much pain and suffering.

        And please do not tarnish other ethnic groups, with the crimes of these people. PAKISTANI’S MASS RAPED CHILDREN IN ROTHERHAM, NOT WHITES.


      • I like your positive attitude; I just hope you are right – but it is going to be a rocky road ahead.
        Were you aware:
        Long before Jay produced her report the “Home Office Researcher” – Dr Angie Heal , had written regarding March 2001/2002 :
        “Of the 268 young women accessing the project, 244 were white, 2 were black and 22 were British-Asian. The numbers of British Asian women increased steadily during the life of the Pilot. This caused surprise at first as there had been an assumption that the coercers would not target their own ‘community’ and ‘culture’. The British Asian young women were extremely reticent to discuss their exploitation and at the end of the Pilot it remained unclear how they were becoming involved in prostitution. The most common explanation offered by the young women themselves seemed to be that they were being targeted, enticed into a sexual relationship and then abandoned. The consequences of this were that often they were then isolated from their families, and consequently left extremely vulnerable to approaches from men who would attempt to coerce them into prostitution. Drugs also seemed to play a part.”
        In 2001, British Asians made up some 2.1% of the Rotherham population and yet represented 8.2% of the young women accessing the project. Even when you make allowance for the relative youth of the BA group, it is still highly disproportionate.


  6. It is more correct here to use the description Kashmiri or Mirpuri men! Our Kashmiris like to describe themselves as Pakistani, in order to hide amongst a larger group. Kashmiris are not well regarded back in Pakistan.


  7. Anonymous thanks for the rant. Read the national report by the Office of The Children’s Commissioner. This is a two year inquiry into CSE in gangs and groups. It shows clearly that group, coordinated sexual abuse is evident in all races but predominantly white due to the make up of the country. If you go back to where we started there is no denial about what Professor Jay found at all. My challenge to you is two-fold in relation to this thread. 1) on the basis of an apparent outcry that all children’s homes aren’t yet good, my point is that there is evidence that Commissioners are making progress and I posted a link to this effect – not self congratulatory but predicated on feedback from a survivor. 2) In relation to any insinuation regarding a lack of action in relation to the Jay findings. In regard to this I made reference to the investigations of RMBC, SYP and NCA which are ongoing. So, what’s your problem? If it’s that Commissioners, among the most experienced people in the country at what they do, should have fixed all that was and is wrong with the whole of children’s services within what, 8 months, then I would simply say, don’t be so ridiculous!


    • Is that the report by another useless Pakistani rapeists apologists, Sue Berelowitz, former deputy children commissioner, who was so discredited, even the government ignore her. She who claimed that these allegations of CSE was racists, because it kept pointing out that the preptrators, who by this time, in some areas were being investigated, arrested, prosecuted, convicted and rightly sent to prison, were excluseviely Pakistani. Once confronted with the awful truth of the makeup of the criminal gangs, she suddenly admitted she was wrong all this time. Really I thought I was talking to an intelligent person.


      • The report isn’t discredited at all. The research was undertaken by University of Bedfordshire. Are you actually saying that child sex abusers are exclusive to a particular race even though the evidence tell us different? Are you really that deluded? I’m not saying that Rotherham and other towns haven’t had a history of Pakistani street groomers taking advantage of vulnerable girls who, due to the demography have been white. What I am saying is that sexual crimes are committed by all races across all typologies, one to one, street and the most prevalent among white men, Internet. Why don’t you accept this simple fact? I am also saying, and I repeat, the authorities in Rotherham, including the NCA are on it. This should be celebrated no matter how late it has come.


        • How do you account for the fact, Kashmiris are 3% of Rotherham’s population but are associated with 24% of reported sex crimes in the latest statistics. They are therefore, Eight times over represented!


      • @ the person above, praising the efforts of NCA, remember there have been many false dawns. 2001 Home Office researcher, who discover what was going on, was disgracefully treated and threaten. 2003-2005, several reports from Dr Angie Heal, still gathering dust. The infamous conference, 2005/6. Nobody can remember attending it. 2010 fist convictions , another operation later, nothing much happen. 2012 honour killing Laura Wilson. Same time Northfolk starts publishing his stories. 2014 truth comes out. 2015 still no convictions and abuse and rape still being committed on Industrisl scale, only now there recording the figures.


      • I am white and I wouldn’t leave my daughter with peodophiles of any colour. Not all Pakistanis males are sex abusers are they so not sure of the point you are trying to make.


  8. Hi Rik please post the source of your stats 3% Kashmiris/ 24% crimes. Even if similar there is an over representation clearly but still majority sex crimes committed by who? And left undetected what will happen to our children? Simple, eradicate Pakistani abuse we will still have a problem remaining within the indigenous population.


  9. @Rothpol
    You say ” Kashmiris are 3% of Rotherham’s population but are associated with 24% of reported sex crimes in the latest statistics. ”
    Please provide full references for this statement.
    Better still just email me the raw data that you have. If you are correct, I will confirm your results.


    • The final story is Rotherham is a racist place will be today and tmriw and forever. That is a complete fact.
      Asians are not investing in anything in Rotherham because it’s a ghost town.


      • Yes they have, they’ve made it the child rape capital of the North, what other Northern town can boost of having 1400+ children raped and abused and no one did nothing.

        God, we’re be in the Guiness Record Book, most unsolved rapes crimes, most rapist walking about free. Most rapeist from one ethnic group, most Taxi drivers Rapeist, Most fast food worker Rapeist. Most night time economy Rapeist, Most Park Rapeist. Most one person to have committed so many rapes, undected. Most group Rapeist, Most Rapeist committed by several generations of family members. And what is the link between all these rapes.?


  10. Thanks Rik. You have shown there is an over representation of Pakistani offenders and also at the same time confirmed the absolute fact that the majority of perpetrators are white at 68%. Whilst we tackle Pakistani gangs would it not be remiss of us to ignore the majority of sex criminals who happen to be white? Of course. So let’s rid ourselves of the denial which dominates this site regarding our own, as quite frankly it is pathetic to adopt such a stance. Our children need protection from ALL sex criminals – full stop!


    • Of course you would have a higher percentage of rapes, being committed by whites, they are after all is it 97% of the population, in Rotherham.


    • The issue is not about the wider general population has and will committ child abuse, we already know that. We already know that it will happen within familes too and other places. By the way how much child abuse Is reported in the Pakistani community, since they like to keep things quiet. The issue is this new form of abuse, being targeted and racially, culturally, religiously motivated, againist little white girls.

      We obviously know that some type of sexual abuse, may have been carried out in schools, by children againist other children. But please tell where and when, other little girls, we deliberately selected by other pupils, of their own age, ie Pakistani schoolboys, so other older Pakistani males could abuse them?.

      But when trying to defend these people, you try to minimise the sheer scale of the abuse, but using percentages etc. You claim that 68% of all abuse is committed by whites. However the Pakistani population is only 3%, yet carried out this crimes againist some 1400+ Children, and that’s the ones we know of. You never mention, that these same 1400+ were raped on numerous occasions, so the actual amount of rapes, could and probably been in the 10000’s. Think about it, if the Pakistani population was the majority, I’e 90%, how many children would have been abused and how many actual rapes committed. Look at Bradford, there the majority, what are the figures like up there?


  11. The fact remains that a 1/4 …. of all reported sex crimes were carried out by SOME people from 3% of Rotherhams population … and Prof Jay did say that GANGS of predominantly pakistini origin men where responsible …Now how can anyone fail to understand that ? ….Of course the other 3/4 of crimes come from all other groups whites etc ……but that’s from the other 97% of the population. Why did Jay not mention the scale of abuse by whites ?


    • They population is some 258000, based in 2011 census, to which the Pakistani share is 3.7%, some 9500. 51% are women, 49% males, so we’re down to some 4500. Offending age group, from 25-64, allowing for period of 1997 – 2014, some 30% say 1500 have caused all these problems.


      • I put the actual percentages below, and included a link to where you find all the numbers; why not put those into a spreadsheet rather than those your guesses came up with.


      • Would inputting the figures into a spreadsheet, and therefore coming up with some figures, achieve anything. The simply facts are these. A population of less than 3500, (2.0%), committed astronomical amounts of rapes againist 1400 little girls, over a 16 year period. We can not calculate the number of rapes perpetrated againist these innocent children, because they were usually raped my multiple criminals. Sometime between 10-20 scumbags, over many years.

        They were not valued and cherish, as our future and allow to enjoy life, as we were. Allow to enjoy their innocence and through this innocence make mistakes, normally correctable because of their age. They were in fact selected and exploited, with the tacit approval of these people (White friends) and subjected to the most inhumane treatment unimaginable. Such was the contempt and desdain, these criminals held for these poor little children, that animals were treated with greater respect, than fellow human beings.

        When trying to justify, your friends innocence, through these pathetic figures, imagine the drudgery, despair of these children. What they went through. Do you believe that these children, believe that there is someone out there, looking out for them?

        I can’t bear to look at any Multiculturalist or Liberal anymore, because what I see is a bunch of lying weasels, who will descend into the depths of pure evil and turn a blind eye. As what happen in Rotherham.


  12. May I just say that since Rotherham is a predominantly rural borough, the fact that Pakistani-heritage people make up the order of 3% of the overall population is largely irrelevant.
    In Rother Vale – they make up 0.3% – i.e. 35 residents.
    In Rotherham East – they make up 13.1% of the population, 1852 residents.

    Now where is the epicentre of CSE in Rotherham?
    Data at:


    • If what your saying, that a population of only 3%, is irrelevant, yet abused, raped, tortured, threaten, trafficked, pimp, 1400 children, whom each individual, suffered these horrific crimes on numerous occassins, over a period of 16 years. Then you truly have loss the plot. One child is a disaster, not several generations. And what about their poor familes, have you forgotten what they went through.

      This had be one of the sickest excuse from an apologists I have ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourself. No wonder they got away with it for so long. Your lower that the scum you protect.


      • I don’t protect anyone. Neither perpetrator nor those who would wish to gain traction for their own racist ideology from this situation.
        I only ever go involved on Rothpol because of my disgust and hatred of what has been happening in Rotherham.

        You clearly do not read or understand what I wrote – I was pointing out that it is incorrect to consider the Pakistani heritage population as “3%” when in some areas of Rotherham they make up over 13%. In what way does that make me “lower than the scum you protect”.



    • @ RR Hey irregular bowl movement, stop trying to defend your friends, it simply can’t be done. Read all about the Keithly Trail.

      A good Pakistani Muslim, Taxi driver, hey where have we heard of that venerable trade being involve with CSE, 59 years old having sex with 13 year old child. As usual he wasn’t alone in abusing this child, seems like all of the 13% of Pakistani’s were at it too. . Simply beggars belief.


  13. Pingback: Rotherham reviews residential children’s homes after two found inadequate in a month | Rotherham Politics

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