News: UKIP Councillor loses bid to set aside summary judgment in child abuse scandal libel case

News: UKIP Councillor loses bid to set aside summary judgment in child abuse scandal libel case

A UKIP councillor has failed in a bid to set aside a summary judgment granted against him in a defamation case arising out of the Rotherham child abuse scandal.

Caven Vines, leader of the UKIP group on Rotherham Council, was sued by two Labour MPs, Sir Kevin Barron, who has held the Rother Valley seat since 1983, and John Healey, who has represented Wentworth and Deane since 1997, over comments he made about the borough’s child sexual exploitation scandal during an interview on Sky News in January 2015.

The two MPs claimed that his remarks meant and were understood to mean that they “knew of child sexual exploitation involving 1,400 children in Rotherham over 16 years but despite knowing this they let the sexual abuse of the children go on and are now failing to ensure that the perpetrators are arrested and brought to justice”.

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35 thoughts on “News: UKIP Councillor loses bid to set aside summary judgment in child abuse scandal libel case

  1. If I understand this correctly these two wannabe working class heroes (Barron and Healey) successfully sued Caven Vines for defamation but were never cross examined under oath to establish what they knew about CSE in Rotherham?
    The case hinged on defamation not disclosure?


    • Colin, like you. I truly wish none of this had ever happened.
      But it has happened, and a decent human being who really cares about our town has been hung out to dry for something he said in an unguarded moment when being interviewed by a professional.*

      Where next?
      Does Caven have need for financial help as a consequence of all this? It could well be crowd-funded.
      (I somewhere heard that UKIP were not funding him – I don’t know if it is true – and it is not really relevant.)
      If there is a remaining funding gap lets see what we can all do to cover it.

      Barron and Healey have now “cleared their name” – getting them to pay any financial gains to a relevant charity is something social media should well be able to push hard for.
      *I have never seen the vid of Caven’s interview, so I am just surmising .
      PS I feel very differently about the Jane Collins MEP’s somewhat related case.


  2. If I read this – and the earlier reports – correctly, it appears that Mr Vines has proved to be one of the most incompetent litigants of the last century.

    Each and every time a judge has gone out of his way to give Mr Vines an extra opportunity to provide a valid defence to the claim, he has fluffed it. It looks rather like a football match where the referee kept giving Mr Vines a penalty – even though neither he nor the linesmen had seen anything wrong – then put the ball on the spot for him and then watched as he meandered off in to the distance.

    In such circumstances, relegation is the inevitable outcome!


  3. Re Janet Green’s comment regarding Caven Vines I find it disgusting she does not even question that Labour mp’s did not converse with their own Labour council even when one of them had family members on the said council, they can turn up at election times making such as Janet Green believe they are interested in the people who voted them in NOT. Maybe if they had taken notice a lot of things that happened would have been picked up on this must border on derliliction of duty by mp’s and an incompetent council who make out they care but are cutting 28 jobs from the very area they are needed most also 25 lollipop persons posts what if a child is fatally injured due to these cutbacks in the name of saving money this from a council who are paying £29 million pounds a year to service a debt with nothing being paid of the capital amount some of which is historical I e from the time it was West Riding and will not be paid for another 60 years so I think this council is still UNFIT in more ways than one


    • If I could make any sense of what you’ve written, I might waste some time and respond to it.

      Ed. You will have to wait for the Judges opinion before you say that.
      Should be able to report on that within a few days, Rik.


  4. It is reported in the Rotherham Record that Kevin Barron is one of three MPs who are taking legal action against UKIP for defamatory remarks regarding their supposed knowledge of the Rotherham Child Sex Abuse scandal, (it was alleged to have been said that “…they knew many of the details of what was happening…”) Odd how Kevin Barron believes his reputation is worth much more than mine, and that his life is worth much more than my brother’s. I can’t wait for the occasion when he is accused of knowing about corruption in Rotherham’s education and healthcare systems, and failing to do anything about it. I’ll be there, ready to add my evidence; I would positively welcome him attempting to sue me for libel! How about you suck it up, like you more or less told me to do, “Sir” Whingealot Barron????


    • @Rudolph ….”I can’t wait for the occasion when he is accused of knowing about corruption in Rotherham’s education and healthcare systems, and failing to do anything about it”….. If I had any evidence about any wrong doings by any councillor or mp ..I would not be waiting for someone to bring it up then throw my bit into the equation … I would make sure that it was exposed straight away … after all it is in our interest to know all about these people that supposedly represent us.


  5. Strange the Advertiser failed to report the actual victory in the Courts, when they had prematurely announced victory, no less than twice and were heavily taken to task for that, in previous postings?

    Suddenly coy, Kevin and John have kept ‘radio silence’ since winning their victory last Tuesday, why?


    • I don’t think we have reached the end of line on it yet.
      I don’t think Caven has reached the end of line on it yet.

      As for Kevin ‘n’ John
      A more obvious reason is that they are awaiting the result of the more substantive case of “Kevin ‘n’ John” and Sarah Champion against Jane Collins MEP.
      I seem to remember that it was Ms Collins ill-health that last delayed the case.

      I could be wrong , but I rather feel that Caven was little more than collateral damage in the claims against Collins MEP.
      ,,, and was he left out to dry by UKIP? I tend to think so, But I don’t know for sure.


    • Can’t we have a report straight from the horse’s mouth? Councillor Vines has been posting today. To the best of my recollection, he loves providing a running commentary on issues…..except when he’s asked questions and then he goes all quiet. Councillor Vines is obviously the expert on this issue and he’s got the inside information. So, when will he share it with the rest of us?


  6. Rr it’s a shame the truth is not known maybe it never will be but as long as we have the system we have where our mp’s can use our money to defend themselves it will be their concience not ours that will bother them i would have thought they would earn enough to defend themselves they obviously thought they had something to defend


    • I am near certain that it is not what you describe as “our money” that the MPs are using to challenge the statements made by Ms Collins MEP, but it most likey be funds provided by the Labour party. .Equally Collins defence is, I understand . funded by UKIP.
      The MPs are not defending themselves! – Collins is defending her statements!


  7. Janet Green
    Your post above you clearly state you have a solicitor son
    But on your lates insult throwing comments to me you now say you don’t have a Solicitor Son
    What else is not true I think your identity could be another Questionable untruth


    • Every time you open your mouth, put pen to paper, or anarchically tap on the keyboard, you make a fool of yourself and confirm that you are a blustering bigot!

      Read what I wrote above carefully: it states:
      “And, if it helps you, a second opinion from one of my children – an experienced senior solicitor – took me to task for under-stating the incompetence.”

      The word ‘son’ is not mentioned anywhere. That’s because my ‘experienced senior solicitor child’ is one of my daughters.

      I look forward to your apology on each place you have posted your inaccurate statements about me. Or, aren’t you man enough to do that?


      • @barrymorton508

        If you were not ‘an Incompetent Buffoon’ and did your research before leaping to your keyboard you would know Caven is dyslexic.
        Methinks you owe him an apology. Or is that beyond you?


      • My you are demanding excellence in written English of others? Would you like me to hound you over your imperfections. Go and read Crystal’s book “The stories of English”.
        Ours is a flexible language.
        Fish ought be spelt GHOTI – work that out smarty pants.
        Please debate and not bully


      • Why the capital I and B for incompetent buffoon ? …. only kidding I could not care less about spelling grammar etc …. we can all communicate with each other even with bad spelling … but to mock a man for bad spelling or grammar who has dyslexia is plain wrong.


        • He was the U.K.I.P. Leader in Rotherham, the leader of the opposition in effect, he is a buffoon, what else do you call someone who won’t take advice from a high court judge who tells you on three occasions that you are going to get slaughtered, financially and politically, you are not a leader but a buffoon, and every pointer of the evidence is there for all to see, except for one, the has been leader, is that clear enough.


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