Labour will get a grip on anti-Semitism, says Tom Watson

Labour will get a grip on anti-Semitism, says Tom Watson

Labour deputy leader Tom Watson has said the party will “get a grip” on anti-Semitism following the suspension of Ken Livingstone on Thursday.

Labour was considering changes to its rules to send “a clear signal” of its “zero tolerance” towards anti-Semitism.

Mr Livingstone was suspended after claiming Hitler supported Zionism “before he went mad”.

Labour has been beset in recent weeks by growing claims of anti-Semitism within its ranks.

Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham said allegations must be dealt with “much more speedily in the future”.

Read on…

Labour anti-Semitism row: Jeremy Corbyn to launch inquiry

Jeremy Corbyn is to hold an independent inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, Labour says.

The inquiry, led by Shami Chakrabarti, former head of campaign group Liberty, will consult with the Jewish community and other minority groups, Labour said.

Mr Corbyn will also propose a new “code of conduct” on racism at Labour’s national executive committee in May.

It comes after Labour suspended MP Naz Shah and ex-London mayor Ken Livingstone amid anti-Semitism claims.

The code of conduct will include guidance on “acceptable behaviour and use of language”, Labour said.

Read on…

Anti-Semitism row bolsters Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour foes

“There is a lot more in this anti-Semitism issue – a lot more. And the people we will take out are all close to Corbyn.”

That’s what a Labour MP confided to me more than a week before Naz Shah’s Facebook activities were exposed.

There is no suggestion that this particular MP was involved – and equally no suggestion that the shock felt by long standing Labour Party members at anti-Semitic comments by newer recruits is synthetic.

But for those opposed to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, the week could hardly have gone better.

There is a consensus that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is not widespread.

That contributed to Jeremy Corbyn’s unfortunate “crisis? What crisis?,” comments which suggested to some that he wasn’t serious enough about tackling a small but highly toxic problem before it became a big and highly toxic problem.

Read on…

The Corbynista’s fight back, perhaps?

22 thoughts on “Labour will get a grip on anti-Semitism, says Tom Watson

  1. Ken said “Nothing Wrong” and John Mann should be kicked out of the party. I like Galloway thinks its just a cover to get rid of JC but corbynistas will not allow it to happen


  2. And they have peddled the racist card accusing UKIP for years what hypocrisy now we know who are the real racist party Liebour Liebour Liebour how can you beleive anything they say


  3. Once again Corbyn shows just how little he knows about the laws governing racially aggravated crimes in Britain.
    ‘The code of conduct will include guidance on ā€œacceptable behaviour and use of languageā€, Labour said’
    Really? So Corbyn and the Labour party have no knowledge of this;

    Which is no surprise given that Corbyn voted more times against the Labour government than with it.
    He was vice-chair of the APPG on Human Rights. Obviously wasted his time.


  4. Oh those who known Jeremy will understand that he will transform this country and give “ordinary people” a better future once elected. However, many believe he cannot be prime minister because the hidden hands behind many career politicians say it would be not to their liking.

    Soon we will go to vote in Rotherham and Ukip will be wiped out and that includes Caven. I will miss his shouting and fuss making that offered no solutions whatsoever


  5. Champion is parliaments most frequent speaker on palestinian issues, shes always tweeting about them, because she represents muslim voters before anything else, the labour party sold us out for muslim voters over CSE and they are now becoming openly Islamist


    • That’s interesting about Champion

      Labour comprehensively sold us out over CSE of course. Senior’s account makes it very clear that the ratbag MacShane had known about grooming for years. Barry Sheerman said that “many, if not not most MPs” had been well aware of what was going on in their constituencies – at least he seemed sincerely guilty over it.

      Lardy boy Tom Watson is one of the very worst – despite the local press in the West Midlands having revealed that “Rotherham Model” grooming has been rife in the West Midlands for many years Mr Porky has never said a word about this.

      Instead he chose to persecute a dying man on no good grounds(Leon Brittain) and to co-operate with the most dubious people in launching his alleged high level paedo witch hunts, which have ended in complete fiasco – although unfortunately there appears to have been little damage done to Porker as a result.

      Watson’s motives here were quite despicable, because they were 100% diversionary. How could any honest politician demand a “complete investigation” into the bizarre allegations of a completely unhinged “survivor” like Esther Baker whilst turning a total blind eye to the Rotherham in his back yard?

      Watson is lower than vermin

      How does this relate to anti-semitism?

      Well as Labour has been quite prepared to turn a blind eye to the grooming gang horror principally because they wanted to hoover up the votes of a core demographic – as MacShane admitted after he had been sent to prison – then what grounds are there for believing that they will make any attempt to seriously challenge the anti-semitism that is absolutely rife within that very same demographic?

      Shah might get her knuckles rapped with a token suspension but then we have

      1) the Luton Councillor who thinks Hitler was the greatest man in history

      2) the Bradford Councillor who posted Goebbel’s vile film

      Bradford Councillor Posted Goebbels Nazi Film “The Eternal Jew”

      3) the anti-semitic Bradford Councillor who runs a charity with Shah

      Naz Shah Runs Charity With Anti-Semitic Labour Councillor

      Is the vote grubbing Labour Party really going to antagonise a major source of votes by trying to root this out(which is impossible anyway)?

      Of course it isn’t

      It is also obvious that Labour loons have internalised Islamic attitudes through their alliance with Muslims here and through their obsession with the IP conflict, the 100,000 plus young British girls who have been groomed, raped, tortured, trafficked, pimped and prostituted come absolutely nowhere in the Labour lexicon of misbegotten treachery. The Labour Party should be disbanded.

      As a final note I read in Senior’s book that Ian Austen, the Dudley MP, was very vocal when she appeared before the HOC Select Committee, chucking his weight about and making a great show. Yet here again is a Labour MP who has nothing to say about the Rotherham in his backyard, typical Labour.


  6. Ken Livingstone said that before Hitler went crazy he was going to send all the Jews to Palestine. You can read more about it here. Can’t understand how that is anti semitism . John Mann is the one who needs suspending, the man has become a raging fool and doesn’t seem bothered about representing Bassetlaw any more, he jumps on every band wagon going shouting his mouth off.


    • Hitler didn’t “go crazy”. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jewish population in Europe from the very beginning – he made this very clear in “Mein Kampf” even suggesting methods of doing so. Nor did he support the Haavara Agreement during the early years of the Third Reich – and even if he had done there would’ve been nothing Zionist about a policy of ethnic cleansing no matter what it’s outcome.

      What is objectionable about Livingstone’s views is not only their historical inaccuracy (see this: ) but also the fact that he is offering support to someone who clearly spread a message of relocating the Jewish population from Israel, effectively endorsing a policy of enforced ethnic cleansing.

      Furthermore he continued to parade himself across TV and news outlets when the appropriate thing to do would’ve been to shut up a week before his party’s local elections.

      For all the talk of embittered Blairites (why are ppl still using that term TEN YEARS after the man left Downing Street?!) the only person who’s put this is the media spotlight – and kept it there – is Ken Livingstone.


      • Is it the fact that someone is giving an opposite view, to the biased narrative , we’ve been fed by the Jewish lobby, over the decades, who view their influrence being marginalised by another currupt and self serving minority, who frequently cry foul, Islamophobia, Anti-seism, when they can’t get their way.

        It’s time to stop playing the perpetual victim, many millions of other people, from other races, have been murdered and mistreated, even by some of these same so call sufferers!!


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