Stitch-up at Wentworth & Dearne Constituency Labour Party

Wentworth & Dearne Constituency Labour Party

Chair – Cllr Alan Gosling   

Secretary – Janine Sansome

Treasurer – Cllr Jane Hamilton

Member of Parliament – John Healey MP 

NOTICE – CLP Supporting Nomination Meeting for Leadership Election

Wednesday 3rd August 2016 at 6pm in the Town Hall, Rotherham.

Dear Delegate

You are invited to attend the supporting nomination meeting of the General Management Committee of the Wentworth and Dearne Constituency Labour Party to be held in the Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham, S60 2TH.

***please note start time of this meeting is 6pm.***

(please arrive 15 mins early to allow membership check to take place)

Attendance at this meeting is strictly by invitation only.


  1. Apologies (in advance or on the signing in sheet).
  2. Procedure of meeting and ballot.
  3. Election of 4 tellers to oversee ballot.
  4. At this point no late arriving members will be eligible to take part in the meeting or the ballot.
  5. Speakers on behalf of candidates – each speaker will take up 10 minutes.
  6. Discussion – prior to the ballot, a discussion for a maximum of 30 minutes on the qualities of the candidates will take place. No member shall   speak more than once, and maximum speaking time for each member is 3 minutes.
  7. Ballot – this will be a secret ballot. In the event of a tie a second ballot will take place, should a tie take place a second time the CLP will not      make a supporting nomination.
  8.   8. End of meeting.

Please note that there will be no CLP meeting in September.

Dates of 2016 meetings – 7th October, 2nd December.



Janine Sansome

Wentworth & Dearne CLP Secretary

20 thoughts on “Stitch-up at Wentworth & Dearne Constituency Labour Party

  1. Stitch up indeed. Yet again it seems they debarring most of the members to rig the vote.

    Healey has sunk to a new low to take part in this chicanery.

    His voting on pro austerity is as bad as smith.
    They do not reflect labour members.


  2. Don,t shake hands with them or count your fingers. What a way to treat their members. Good enough to pay subs and deliver leaflets but keep them out. Healys inner circle wants to control things. Blairite bunch.


    • Members need to encourage a very large gathering on the 3rd.. and all vie to have their say. This CLP, following Healey’s disloyalty, needs to endorse Corbyn.. and the membership should leave the ‘managment’ in no doubt about that. That is already happening all across the country.. except in Tatton, which is fast asleep..


  3. The vote is meaningless.
    Most of their members are being barred from voting. Its so bent.

    Next they will say only people who have worked for pfizer or wants to privatise nhs can attend and vote.8.


  4. Healey and his MP mates certainly know how to antagonise members.

    Plotting, scheming, coups to undermine the leader and wreck the partys hopes instead of fighting the tories.

    Then countless False accusations, lying and smears by MPs against members.

    May be a mass peaceful members meeting outside the town hall?


  5. The rules have always been that things are voted on at constituency level by delegates. They have always been the rules. Momentum et al only seem to like the rules when they work in their favour.


    • Exactly this. Same applies to the freeze date. As you say, Momentum only seem to like the rules when they fall their way.


    • Wrong.
      The NEC have stated that leadership meetings should be open to allbers.

      We not a 2 tier party as the new labour/old guard want.

      Its a clear attempt to rig the vote and put 2 fingers up to the members. Lets not forget when its re selection time. Their ivory towers are starting to crumble.

      In many clps they are now all member meetings where they can debate and vote..


      • The rules stated ‘Should a CLP decide to make a supporting nomination, they may do so using either an all member meeting or a meeting of the General Committee.’
        The CLP decided to go with the latter. That is there decision and they have broke no rules. Regular meetings only have things voted on by delegates. You can’t argue against regular procedure or the rules set out by the NEC.


        • Ah yes, the good old party rulebook. Only seems to be followed when it suits. You say you can’t argue against rules set out by the NEC, but haven’t we just seen a challenge to to one of their decisions in Court?

          As I say, only when it suits.


  6. There is likely to be a big peaceful vigil to protest at their blatent stitch up.

    Down at the pigeon loft.
    Time for another coup john?


  7. This might appear a stich up but you need to consider that every area were given the option to do something similar and it was ignored. You need to see the truth here! The MP is using the vote to say “I voted the way my area wanted me to vote” its not personal. He needs to be deselected! Real Labour is starting to rise again.


  8. Pingback: Last Weeks Top Ten 30th July | Rotherham Politics

  9. Pingback: Going Down 1: Wentworth & Dearne CLP Call Owen Smith nomination meeting (An attempt to cover Healey’s backside?) | Rotherham Politics

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