Local Doctor Adam Carter to Fight Brinsworth By-Election

Local resident and NHS doctor Adam Carter has been selected to stand for the Liberal Democrats in the forthcoming by-election in Brinsworth & Catcliffe on 2nd February.

Adam lives in Brinsworth on Wensleydale Drive, and in his job as a doctor has worked at both Stag Medical Centre and Rotherham Hospital. He volunteers locally as a Rugby referee, including at Hallam University Sports Ground on Bawtry Road and at Clifton Lane.

The by-election was called after a Labour councillor resigned in disgrace following his conviction for sexual assault.

Adam is confident his record of campaigning locally will resonate in the area and give him a real chance of pulling off a shock upset and beating Labour.

Adam is campaigning for:
improvements to Brinsworth Library
ensuring Catcliffe residents’ voices are heard on HS2
ending the scandal of 35+ class sizes by lobbying for a new school on the Waverley estate as soon as possible.

Adam said:-

“This by-election is an opportunity for residents to vote for real change. Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour have taken this town for granted for years and from knocking on doors in the area people tell me that they are looking for someone new.

“I do hope residents will vote for something different this time. I’m not a career politician but I care passionately about Brinsworth, the place I’ve made my home.

“I’m looking forward to meeting more local people out on the campaign trail and campaigning on issues that matter to them.”

Adam Carter
Liberal Democrats


Published & promoted by Colin Taylor on behalf of Adam Carter (Liberal Democrats) all at Muirfield, Sheep Cote Road, Rotherham, S60 4BZ. Printed (hosted) by Geek Web Hosting.

Rotherham and Barnsley Liberal Democrats: http://www.rblibdems.org.uk

7 thoughts on “Local Doctor Adam Carter to Fight Brinsworth By-Election

  1. Will real competition for the Ward prompt more comment than internecine Labour Party battles?

    Or are the residents of Brinsworth just there to vote rather than choose competent local administrators of essential services? Libraries? Class sizes?

    As a regular reader I will be interested to find out.



  2. Now that is a refreshing change, a candidate who can count to twenty without having to take his shoes and socks off, who can string at least two words together and lives in the area.
    Lets see who Labour will shoe in, a friend of a friend who knows a friend who knows the Leader.
    On a national level, Labour`s woes seem to be getting worse, the dream ticket, Corbyn and Abbott appeals to a minority of the electorate, changes to constituency boundaries and the potential of voters having to produce photo ID.

    Happy days.


  3. The results last time were, MEHBAN Omar,Conservatives 684, SAUNDERSON, UKIP 2,318
    and RODDISON, Labour 2,744 (ELECTED).

    The battle for this new Lib Dem is immense. He would need to take over leadership of the angry brigade/protest vote..and swing a massive anti vote.

    Problem is, UKIP have that job here. Unlike Richmond Park, where the Lib Dems surfed a wave of EU remainers to overturn a massive Tory majority, the bulk of the angry brigade here are UKIP and Brexiteers.

    I reckon the interesting questions for Brinsworth & Catcliffe are:

    How many votes will be lost by Labour because of Roddison’s appalling behaviour?

    How many, if any, will switch vote because of perceptions that Corbyn is taking the party towards being a London Centric, left wing irrelevance with an opaque, whingeing EU policy?

    MY forecast is that UKIP will win, with Labour losing votes to both Lib Dems (remainers) and UKIP(Brexiteers.) An enhanced Lib Dem effort will be bad news forLabour.

    On the good news may be, a resurgent Lib Dem presence in Rotherham maybe what we need to split off some Labour voters, currently hanging on because the only alternative is UKIP. The result could be more open and competitive politics, with a less constipated council.


    • “Delegates heard that decriminalising prostitution would raise £1bn a year for the Treasury in taxes.”
      They’re in favour of decriminalising drug use as well aren’t they. How much would that raise? How about Farron’s other hobby horse of decriminalising illegal immigrants that should bring in a few bob.


      • Given their comparatively small number of MPs over the years it is amazing how many of them have been exemplars or moral rectitude. Jeremy Thorpe, Cyril Smith etc. A quick search on Google will throw many other examples of Lib-Dems setting a good example for we lesser mortals.


  4. Pingback: The Week That Was – Last Weeks Top Ten 31st December 2016 | Rotherham Politics

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