UKIP Fostering Scandal – Advertiser Wades In!

The Advertiser this week has reported the end of the UKIP fostering story, or is it?

Click Here to view as a .pdf

Thanks go to ‘a regular reader’ for supplying the info.

27 thoughts on “UKIP Fostering Scandal – Advertiser Wades In!

  1. I am not, and never have been, a member of a political party, or protest group. though whilst not being a member I attended a few meetings of Council Watch many years ago as an observer.. Unless he kept it a secret from the other members, as far as I knew, he was not a member of a political party at that time and he has stated many times he has never been a member of the BNP. Neither was Marlene Guest a BNP member, when she was a member of Council Watch she was in the Libdems! He cannot be said to have been associating with the BNP because whe was not in it at that time! All this is quite well known and public knowledge, but the stratergy of the opponents of UKIP seems to be if we through enough racist mud at Caven Vines some of it will stick!


  2. I will not lower myself to click on the link – I have learned enough about the BNP not to bother.
    All sheffred has done by posting this is to show, as Malcontent says, that UKIP’s opponents are desperate to blacken Caven Vine’s name.
    Oops ! Is that a racist comment ?


    • “UKIP’s opponents are desperate to blacken Caven Vine’s name.”
      Yes and no, and in this case definitely “no”.
      What BNP was trying to do, in the webpage that was linked to, was to ride on the back of Caven’s deserved success, by liking themselves with him.

      MB’er : I really don’t think it makes any sense for you to comment on something that you haven’t even read,
      …and your final comment regarding “racism” only trivialises what is a real problem in our society. This week of all weeks we just don’t need that.


      • The voter?? Democracy?? These are words that would be ok to use in Australia, but not here in the UK! Not even half of the people able to vote in Rawmarsh bothered. Look at the % of voters in a General Election, it should be the law to vote, then we would get a true representation and then we would live in a true democracy! And going back to Rawmarsh, do we really think that UKIP won the seat because of their policies, or because they want to make Rawmarsh a better place? How misguided or easily sold are you people?


  3. regular reader: you are right the BNP in the article aren’ trying to blaken Caven Vine’s name. As you say they are trying to say his success is owing to UKiIP having “some” policies that are similar to theirs. The person who posted this is the one trying to blacken Caven Vines name by implying he is associated with the BNP and nothing could be further from the truth. He like myself has strong views on immigration and Islam going back long before the recent atrocity in Woolwich, but that does not mean he’s racist. As for typos forget them, my posts are full of them as long as I’ve got over what I wanted to say that’s all that matters – Shakespeare was poor at grammar and spelling and look how many people read him.


    • Thanks Mal; but I hope that you recognise that I absolutely and totally disagree with your views on the threat of immigration and Islam.

      Like Caven, I am dyslexic, but it was just carelessness on my part that let the “linking/liking” slip through – not something my spelling checker could ever pick up. :-}


      • regular reader: I’m confident the majority of indiginous people stand with me on the issue of immigration, it needs to be severely curtailed. As for Islam I will not cede a nanometer to it! As some one else has already said you should not tolerate the intolerant and Islam is certainly intolerant!


  4. A regular reader – I was not commenting on something I have not read, I commented on sheffred’s post and gave my view of the BNP.
    As for your reprimand on my ‘final comment’ – why is this week any different to any other week regarding racism ?
    I find your comment about ‘trivialising’ racism rather patronising. I have had much first hand, personal experience of this issue after bringing my Palestinian husband and 2 stepsons here from Lebanon. On one occasion I was punched in the face by a 15yr old boy. On another, on a visit to London, my husband was attacked by 4 men and I was spat on by one of them for being with my husband. I find your response offensive to me and to my family.


    • MB:
      No offence was intended, and I sincerely apologise for any offence that you may have felt. I am well aware of what you and your adopted family have gone through.

      My comment above still stands, I suggest you read it in a more constructive fashion,


  5. Thankyou for your reply rr. Unfortunately in asking me to read the comment again ‘in a more constructive fashion’ you are suggesting that I was intentionally negative !
    No matter how many times I read your comment it does not make me want to read what the BNP have to say. As I said I was commenting on sheffred’s actual post, not the content of the link / like
    You did not say what you meant by ‘this week of all weeks ‘ but perhaps we have more important things to discuss than our semantics on here.


  6. I think you are all missing the point here. RMBC have stated that they did not remove the children from this foster home because of political reasons when it is quite obvious they did. Then they have the nerve to say there has been a full investigation and it was found they did nothing wrong. What has never been made clear to the public is that the investigation was carried out by the very same people who made the decision in the first place and of course they are going to say they did nothing wrong aren’t they? This is a typical example of the democracy of RMBC Labour Group and what happens in a totalitarian state.
    The UKIP win in Rawmarsh just proves even further that we in Rotherham live in a Labour controlled totalitarian state. The voters are just waking up to the fact and want rid of it.


  7. Anonymous: I didn’t miss the point I was commenting on the attempt to smear Caven Vines by linking him with the BNP. As far as the investigation into the reasons for the removal of the children from the couple for being members of UKIP: is there anyone naive enough to have expected anything other than a whitewash!


  8. Yes Malcontent, there are thousands who are naĂŻve enough to think a proper investigation took place, and those are the idiots who vote for them each time, just because they are Labour. Only a few have woken up to the truth and they are the voters who put Caven in office.


    • Anonymous: It is not the people who vote Labour that are the problem it’s the apathy of the rest! In Rawmarsh almost threequaters of the electorate failed to vote. Labour know that if they can get their core vote out in “most of the wards” in Rotherham (a core vote incidentally that was totally betrayed by the last Labour government) then the apathy of the rest will ensure their candidate gets elected. It’s this apathy we need to do something about. Should,as happens in some other countrys, compusory voting be considered here?


  9. sheffred: I’m not bothered if it’s a protest vote,or whether the people who voted UKIP in Rawmarsh believe heart and soul in their policies, as long as they prevent another gravytrain Labour candiate being elected to a council that is full of them, then I’ll settle for that!


      • sheffred: I would say the epitome of a gravy-trainer is Asbo Akhtar. A person like him who is involved in politics without any altruism is on the gravy-train and there are many others on Rotherham Council.


  10. Sheffred If you bothered to check your facts before posting you will have read that the Guardian who printed that I had links with BNP Printed a full retraction and appologie becouse I have never had any links at all with BNP or any other political party before joining UKIP except as a trade union member years ago if that counts
    So if you would like to come out of hiding and reveal you identity I will put you on the list to submit to my solicitors


    • Post a link to the retraction and apology from the Guardian and I MAY do the same??? And while we are on the subject of telling lies or not telling the truth then shall i just pick any post on here that you right and I’m sure I’ll find a few white lies, or damaging someone elses reputation without the true facts, in fact most of the election material you used was a load of tripe!


  11. May 6, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    The Guardian news paper who published on the 25th April That UKIP stands by candidate despitye links with the BNP.
    On Friday 3rd May the Guardian printed the following retraction
    I Quote
    ” We stated that Caven Vines a candidate for UKIP in Rotherham, had close links to the BNP
    This was Incorrect. we apologise to Mr Vines for the error”


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