Rawmarsh 2014 – Labour out campaigning

Or….Every picture tells a story?

The Labour Party is out campaigning in the Rawmarsh Ward, thought readers might be amused by this photo presented as evidence by John Healey on his twitter feed:

Rawmarsh campaignJudging by this turnout they must be concerned that Caven Vines may be about to repeat his astounding victory of last year?

Not many locals though in this picture? Have Rawmarsh Labour members, already thrown in the towel? We shall see come May.

Information currently to hand, if a reader should recognise anyone else in this photo Rothpol would be delighted to hear from them?

Left to right

Unknown Female
Jayne Elliot
John Healey
Darren Hughes
Jahangir Akhtar
Alan Atkin
Kath Sims
Christine Beaumont
Unknown Male
Dominic Beck
Linda McAvan
Ian Jones

13 thoughts on “Rawmarsh 2014 – Labour out campaigning

  1. I am a UKIP supporter, but have big concerns about their choice of candidates so far in the borough. Jane Collins has never been replaced in Rotherham central to my knowledge, I would consider her a good candidate, who hit about 22% in a by election. I would be more than shocked if Caven knocked out John Healey and the silence so far from Allen Cowles in Rothervalley is deafening. Kevn Barron is there for the beating his majority has fallen to 12% from 50%, (I am still waiting an apology from Regular reader on these facts.) I really don’t want another 4 years of Kevin Barron.


  2. Not one Rawmarsh Labour Councillor in that group
    But I see sims, Akhtar, and Atkin from other wards their they must also be very worried and so they should be


  3. There were thirteen of them! A veritable coven?
    Hope they are not superstitious?
    That’s twelve in front of the camera and one taking the picture equals thirteen!


  4. Healey very happy to be seen in the company of Akhtar judging by this photograph.
    Healey was quick to distance himself from McShame but has no qualms being photographed with another convicted (local) politician.
    The residents of Rawmarsh have no complaints about Caven but the Labour party is afraid, very afraid of him because the electors of Rawmarsh have seen the future; a councillor with no allegiance to the corrupt clique who dominate RMBC, they have a councillor with an allegiance to his ward.


    • Am I right that Caven will be standing against John Healey for the Wentworth & Dearne Valley election, it will be a whole different ball game than when he stood against Labour in the Rawmarsh ward election, when only about 30% turned out. We will have the same issue in Rothervalley and UKIP still haven’t got a candidate for Rotherham central according to the web site. We certainly need UKIP to up their game in the borough, because elections are only a year away. It needs greater consideration of setting up teams to publicise UKIP in the wards across Rothervalley. The UKIP poster in my window doesn’t half stand out, but I am not seeing anybody but me displaying them. We are walking into an abyss, because this election is the last chance we have of stopping the EU’s hold on the UK, it’s like fighting the Fascists on a whole new level without bombs. This is out last chance.


  5. Could the individual in the dark glasses standing next to the MEP be no other than the high flying Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce executive Mr. Beck?


  6. What a shower. All creaming in allowances for sod all. I wonder if any of these guys will put their money into community projects like ukip vines did? Action speaks volumes!


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