Two Houses at War

Two Houses at War

Barely on Speaking terms
In the Deputy Leadership contest
Lakin of valley won by a marginal amount
Beck of Wales was seen on the day
Whipping votes from the backbenchers
All for lakin’s gain
With the tactics of bullying & bribery
Where does that leave a looming leadership contest
Four of those who voted for Lakin
Have already pledged their Support for Ellis
Next time round.
Mahroof seen out walking the dogs
In the hope they shall put
A word in for him
Whilst many councillors are floaters
There are Two Houses at war here
Lakin the head of one
Ellis the head of the other
But which councillors are in which team
The Phantom has haunted this joint for long enough
To recognise the two established sides
With their horns continuing to be locked
Signs of UKIP coming up through the middle
Can be a forecast worth reading into
I have seen some ghastly ghouls
And some devilish souls
Yet nothing is more unnerving
Than witnessing this car crash in waiting
Team Lakin
Head : Cllr Paul Lakin
Deputy: Cllr Dominic Beck
Glyn Whelbourn
Mahroof Hussain
Ann Russell
Peter Wooton
Rose McNeely
Alex Sangster
Alan Gosling
Team Ellis
Head: Cllr Sue Ellis
Deputy: Cllr Emma Hoddinott
Neil Hamilton
Jane Hamilton
Chris Read
Chris Beaumont
Maggie Godfrey
Brian Steel
Jo Burton
Judy Dalton
Emma Wallis


10 thoughts on “Two Houses at War

  1. Team Lakin = Beck, Team Ellis = Burton and Dalton, well that’s an interesting position for the three Labour RMBC Cllrs. Is This the reason that boy wonder hardly ever turns up at Parish Council Meetings any more. I feel a split at Anston as well as Rotherham, but its not unexpected, put vipers in a pit, and they will eventually turn against each other. Hiiissssss


  2. If ordinary LP members had any say, or even access to knowing what’s going on within Labour Group we would be fascinated and even thrilled at the possibility of choice between factions within the Group (I can confirm that the ones given approximate with my own experience.)

    Labour PSTD (Pays Subs then Disregarded) are told nothing. There is no political debate within the Party’s internal network of members meetings. Secretaries and Chairmen of these meetings are infamous for rulings that quash debate. It’s why the Party is collapsing from the inside out. They haven’t twigged that most people who are prepared to dig into their own pockets to pay subs, like to think they have something to contribute politically, not simply as purveyors of raffle tickets.

    I’d like to say that there is a political choice between the two warring groups (the division above coincides with my own experience) however such cannot be discerned by we member on the basis of any debate we see or hear. Hence there is some apparent justification in suggestions that it’s simply a power struggle between factions, a battle for the most cabinet posts and sinecures.

    If I were anthropomorphic (ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human) I could suggest a few differences;

    1. I have heard a couple of the Team Ellis people say something that could be called political, and vaguely leftist

    2. Team Lakin is very much the past, and given his record within Group it is unlikely that there will be any changes. Remember, his role in Cabinet put him the best place to bring forward investigations into CSE allegations much sooner and more openly. While he and Roger may loathe each other, no more so than as between every member of Cabinet, e would be the best guardian of the past.

    3. In terms of the Councilor zombie walking dead, Lakin’s team outpoints Ellis in terms of the withered elderly elevated beyond their competence



  3. As these clowns prepare to battle it out for a better place at the trough, the actual grassroots of the Rotherham Labour Party slips to below 200 paid up members! Do they care? They are not about growing a true representative group of activists working for the good of our town. They are hellbent on securing their financial gain. It has been said before, Rotherham Labour Party is a business. Whilst services close and are cut to the bones, these people are more concerned about their allowances. Why, because to the majority this is an income. Some have never even had experience of employment in the sense that we the general public would know.


  4. The house of cards will collapse because which ever bloc wins they will exact vengeance on the others. This is when the cowards who have stood on the side lines get pulled into it, trying to deny all knowledge; that’s when the real fighting starts. I was involved in a political party where this blood letting took place and the whole thing collapsed and disappeared; this won’t happen to the Labour party as a whole but it will happen to this council.
    Dave Smith


  5. Paul Lakin’s plans are predicated on his re-election next May. The same flaw that his mate Jahangir Akhtar failed to attend to, this year. You can’t stay on the ‘greasy pole’, if your voters won’t wear it and vote you out!


  6. Me thinks that these two sides will look very differently come next May because there a few dinosaurs on there that are not going to win against UKIP!


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