Specially for Labour members

Thought it might prove useful to Labour members and students of politics in Rotherham to see the latest Labour Party Rule Book.

Sure to make interesting reading, as the local Rotherham Labour members only get to see what those in charge, want them to see? Now you can get your own copy here.

This tells one everything about the way the Party should be run and the standards of conduct expected of both members and their elected members. Pity this reads like a work of fiction in Rotherham, as the rule book is mostly observed in the breach!

Click on image to read or download your own copy:

Lab Rule Book 02_08_2014


6 thoughts on “Specially for Labour members

  1. Is there anything in there about code of conduct such as liberal use of crude language, brawling in public restaurants, inappropriate relationships with members of the opposite sex, and threatening people during election campaigns?


    • Nice of you to drop by Madame. You would be correct in surmising that your list would constitute disciplinary offences and would get anyone else thrown out of the Labour Party, why not Akhtar the Ahmed clone?


  2. Membership Rules. Clause 1(8)
    ‘No member of the Party shall engage in conduct which in the opinion of the NEC is prejudicial, or in any act which in the opinion of the NEC is grossly detrimental to the Party.’
    A former Labour councillor and ex-Deputy Leader with an ASBO should not qualify for Party membership according to these rules, he is however the appointed Election Agent for Sarah Champion. Perhaps he will accompany her when she’s on walkabout and punch any person who dares to question her or her politics?


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