Why was that meeting of Boston Castle LP meeting disrupted?

Was it to stop the vote of no confidence in Mahroof and the two other Councillors? Only partly….he’d already got LP Central to ban any questions to the Councillors and any possible vote.

The answer is in the paper that had been circulated, something that rumour has they now using friends in low places to get discredited and obliterated from history.

It makes points he doesn’t like putting together;

* A quote From Jay makes it clear that by 2005 it’s unlikely that senior officers and Councillors could say they didn’t know the contents of the Risky Business report on CSE.

* That he was the Cabinet Member for Community Cohesion from May, 2005 to May, 2007

Think about that Risky Business report. A dreadful Report on CSE that clearly fingered the local Pakistani men as by far the biggest group of perpetrators.

Imagine the potential consequences for race relations In Rotherham of that report. The consequences for cohesion. Yet despite being a Cabinet Member with direct responsibility he knew nothing of it.

My guess Mahroof must be wetting himself that the Labour Party inquiry doesn’t put those two together. Or that there isn’t the odd committee paper around suggesting that he should have known.

Hence the OTT response and unleashing of the dogs of war on the meeting and on that poor guy. This threatens his whole career future.


12 thoughts on “Why was that meeting of Boston Castle LP meeting disrupted?

    • What, stupid like not realising Shaukat, Jahangir and Mahroof were ‘all in it together’? Just like the musketeers! But these three have grown rich, at our expense and it is high time they were held to account for their activities. Wonder if Akhtar has worked it out yet who shafted him? Always look at those still standing, for the likely candidate? .


  1. He obviously thinks that the Labour Party has too much on with its Conference and ‘Statement-promises’ to come back into office, to pop round and sort out the mess in Rotherham.

    Is he right though?

    I note that at the outdoor thuggery, the police seem – yet again – to have been noticeable by their absence?.


    • The question has been asked why this discussion paper specifically mentioned Cllr Hussain and his responsibilities. You will no doubt have noticed his name appears with a question mark after it. Here’s the thing, all the other other councillors named in the paper gave evidence to the Jay report. Mahroof Hussain didn’t. Not only is he a prominent member of the same ethnic community that the perpetrators come from, he is the chair of “community cohesion”, a role he has held since 2005. Did nobody think this was relevant? Lets not forget that the Jay report is clear that from 2005 nobody could say they didn’t know.

      He knew what was happening, he knew that it involved people from his own community, he was in charge of community cohesion from 2005. Join the dots and then ask yourself if you think he’s been doing his job properly.

      He knew what was coming and so he orchestrated this fracas to try and side step the issue. And it appears to have worked, with the chairman, secretary, treasurer and others all resigning over what happened at the meeting, paving the way for those who disrupted the meeting to step into their shoes. Do you think any awkward questions will be asked by these people?


  2. Time for the real Moofy to emerge?
    The real Moofy is a deeply unpleasant person who views his own community as a feudal ‘Lord of the Manor’ would, and is one of the worst misogynists, I have ever met!
    Shame on him! He should go!


  3. Why has Muroof and mobeen not come forward to address the issues

    You can run but there is no hiding place.

    we may even provide a mike and camera

    I guess it will be when you get sent down….
    you r nicked


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