The Rotherham whistleblower

The Rotherham whistleblower

For more than ten years, youth worker Jayne Senior told police and social services about the horrific abuse inflicted on girls in Rotherham by ruthless gangs – but she was repeatedly ignored. Risking imprisonment, she turned whistleblower to expose the scandal in The Times

As Arshid Hussain was sentenced to 35 years, Jayne Senior’s triumphant “Yes!” rang across the court room. All around her young women wept and hugged. They had been children when Hussain and his two brothers Basharat and Bannaras raped, abducted and abused them.

Yet for years, no one, not police, councillors nor social workers, believed their stories or tried to bring to justice this criminal gang who claimed to “own Rotherham”. No one except – as she was called by one barrister – “the infamous Jayne Senior”.

Read on…

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Rotherham councillor accused of rape

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Rotherham councillor accused of rape A victim in the Rotherham grooming trial told police she was raped by an influential politician linked to three brothers jailed yesterday for a campaign of child abuse in the town which a judge called … Continue reading

36 thoughts on “The Rotherham whistleblower

  1. Reading this has left me angry for a number of reasons, it includes a lot of complicated issues which I and others have screamed about from 2003 but I’d like to raise to specific points which I feel are quite odd;

    I’ll address them as they appear in the article.

    Ms Senior has children and one of them serves in the Army…an institution steeped in abusive behaviour, I’m not seeing the link between his employment with a dodgy Govt dept and her as a youth worker in a town that has CSE concerns.

    Ms Senior says she passed info to Sgt Chang, I’d like to congratulate her, she’s possibly one of maybe a group of, er……one that Mr Chang had time for. He was the very best example of a police version of ‘Blakey’ from ‘On the Buses’

    If she’s standing to be a Labour Cllr then it might be that she wins…if thats the case then we may be able to speak, it appears all my other requests to speak with this lady have bounced off a very deaf ear.

    As to the “number of reasons” I mentioned before…the whole thing is a disgrace. I hope the whole truth can come out one day and we might get justice, whats the point in caring when all the folk charged with taking action do nothing?



  2. And none of the MPs knew of any of this only Council staff Councillors. And police
    This was reported to all above but no one thought to tell the MPs who surly could have taken it further is that not what they are elected


  3. One wonders has to why Ms Senior is standing for the Party that when she highlighted that CSE was a problem and the ethnic backgrounds of the abusers in Rotherham she was chided by the Labour councillors and social workers. We still have Cllrs that again are up for election this year who according to reports should have known the scale of abuse.


    • After reading her story, one wonders why she is standing for a party, which could’ve allow such a tradegy to happen in the first place. Hasn’t she now, become one of them. How could anyone, who has been abused, have any trust with a person, who was now consulting with the very people who allow such abuse to continue for decades.

      What she doesn’t understand, her new found comrades, will never trust her, as she will be seen as a grass, someone not be trusted. Even the Councillor workers won’t trust her, especially Social workers and the Police.


  4. Jayne Senior is to be congratulated for her diligence and sheer hard work in exposing not only the scale of CSE in Rotherham but the ignorance and inabilities of SYP and RMBC Labour councillors in their efforts to ignore the evidence presented to them.
    I too am puzzled why Jayne Senior wants to represent the Labour party, does she not realise she’ll be outvoted and ignored by the Labour majority in the council chamber? She would IMV be better off standing as an Independent candidate, free from political bias, party politics, persuasion and the party whip.
    Whatever she decides to do I wish her good luck-she’ll need it.


    • I’ll echo those congratulations Colin, not many people would have had the guts to stand up to RMBC and SYP, risking jail at the same time, to stand up for children who were seen as “problems”, rather than “children” or “victims of sexual exploitation”. She did great.

      With regards to her membership of the Labour Party and standing in the forthcoming elections. I agree she’s in for a rough ride there, but maybe her thinking is that you will only ever change the Labour party from the inside? Lets face it, they almost NEVER accept ideas that come from outside the party.

      I wish her well.


  5. Will she be donating proceeds of the book and future film? Interesting no one has posed this question? Why should anyone profit on the back of the misery of others?


    • You are way off the mark on this one! I can only conclude your question was designed to undermine the credibility of Jayne Senior, within the Labour party and amongst victims? It won’t work! Jayne Senior is, in my opinion, one of the good guys. Unlike most of the greedy oiks, that will be standing for election on the labour ticket, and with their red rosettes on.


      • You have shut me down rather than answer a legitimate question. What she stands to earn from the woes of many I imagine will eclipse the allowances of the oiks many times over. It makes me feel uncomfortable and surely I have a right to say. Surely?


      • A good politician should be like a good priest – poor and honest. It is a reasonable question that deserves an answer from a journalist not just fawning over her. Would she have been so welcomed by the lefty establishment if she had decided to stand as an independent ?


  6. I watch RMBC meetings by webcast from NZ regularly. I became interested when CSE headlines hit world news and made it to our little tv set .. . Tinsley was my birthplace and beautiful Whiston became my home after we got married. RMBC council meetings can be quite entertaining. Sometimes very funny, sometimes infuriating and often tragic……
    One thing is very noticeable… An empty public gallery… Labour winning in May is a slam dunk. Empty public gallery is proof of it…..One or two brave members of the public calling councilors and commissioners to account receive one of two pathetic responses.. Council responses to public question are thus… if you agree with council …. a sickeningly patronizing response….even a little clap maybe.. Awkward questions from public are met with insult, condescention and weak attempts to humiliate the speaker usually followed by titters from rank and file yes men/women.
    Never having gambled in my life I would still be very tempted to lay money on it….Labour rules as it has for our fathers and for-fathers… How do I know?…. Empty public galleries at council meetings…..


    • You’re right about the public gallery being empty for most meetings Linda. I have noticed though, that a heck of a lot of council meetings that the public have access to are held during the daytime, when most people are at work. If the meetings were held exclusively in the evenings, when the public had a better chance of attending then things might be different? Maybe they have the meetings in the daytime for that very reason? It’s just a thought 🙂


      • Hi R Wilde…. I considered that aspect and it is a valid point. Not aware of anyone hammering on the door of Town Hall demanding a change of meeting times .
        Webcasts are there for the public to keep up to speed with what’s going on in the seat of Rotherham’s powerhouse of democracy …An education and eye opener for every taxpaying resident of Rotherham… Webcasts give a birds eye view of the dynamics and personalities that make up the notorious RMBC….
        Rotherham’s town would have a better chance of survival on the Titanic than recovery from the present nightmare with the rabble at the helm of the RMBC.
        Gobsmacked is an understatement when describing the behaviour at recent meeting with Councilor , Chairwoman and Church Warden Ms Sioned Mair-Richards leading the procedure..
        To view is a must…… The only person in the meeting with any b…s was Councilor Vines.
        For councilors to remain in their seats at such an appalling display of female bullying was an act of cowardice . The answer to why and how the CSE was able to grow unhindered in Rotherham was evidenced at that meeting…..

        It brought mind something I found amusing on tele when someone in the audience chucked a pair shoes at George Bush…. They missed… I would have aimed with the hope of making a connection on Councilor, Chairwoman and God forbid, church warden, Ms Mair-Richards crown…..
        I am glad she is not my church warden……..
        I’d give you a smiley face but don’t know where to find one… Reg might b able to help…..


  7. Pinochio comes to Rovrum

    Cllrs who covered up the abuse for years allowed to re stand. .

    Same cllrs whi failed to warn public of risks are allowed to re stand by labour.
    Guilty of corporate negligence and no duty of care.

    Carry on regardless.

    Is barron and Healey still in denial?

    Weird how Cllrs, council and police officers and even family members who are Cllrs never raised the issue over 20 years on such a serious matter?

    Never raised at liaison meetings ?

    or over canapes or the Sunday roast or nut joint?

    Who do you think you are kidding….?

    Just the gullible voters


  8. The only sane reason why Ms Senior is standing for the Labour party is that once embedded in her seat she can wreak havoc. If not it shows either a wily establishment who have managed to schmooze her into the misguided belief that things are different now, or she is naïve. The reality might be if the latter proposition is correct, Ms Senior will soon see her halo tarnished, perhaps intentionally, with those whom she has sided. I hope for her sake that the former case is true.

    When one rubs shoulders with the Devil it is not him who changes, but you.


  9. What makes me laugh David this woman has done more for victims and survivors than anyone else why aren’t u and your crew attacking former council members who got paid hundreds of thousands for doing naff all this woman had worked endless hours and prob not got paid for it …….. Oh I forgot another keyboard worrier I for 1 want to read everything thing this woman did and told former coucil leaders and seems to have the evidence to back it up ……,


    • I am not criticising her or her work. Myself and others have been fighting this too. It is just plain odd that having witnessed and suffered at the hands of the local rotten Labour borough she is prepared to forget all that happened in the past and is still happening, sup with all the blind eye merchants around her and fight for their cause, she has a stronger stomach than me. As I say I hope she is smarter than them but I fear that she might get a rude awakening. Becoming a part of the party that has been inextricably linked with Rotherham and all the grooming failures and cover ups and has still not drained the swamp is as said before odd.


  10. What a fantastic woman that’s done so much for victims/survivors and families and fought against RMBC and SYP even when threatened with prison she still came forward and she still to this day supports those victims and families she’s raised and donated money to those very people to help rebuild their futures. I hope other professionals will now come forward after reading what has happened to this woman she is an inspiration to all and proves that we have good people in Rotherham. I am certainly a person that will support her every step of the way and the fact that she wants to run for labour and get in the party that failed our children so she can keep her eye on things and get rid of the badness is a wise move. If anyone will stand up to any corruption within the party it will be this woman we need more of her.Well done Jayne!! And for the people saying she’s doing it for money etc and questioning her motives I think the only people you should be questioning is yourselves for being so negative towards a good woman. The people to blame are the perps, RMBC and SYP for doing nothing and covering it up.How can anyone say anything bad about Jayne after the goodness she has done for our town and it’s people. She is only 1 woman but has acted like an army!!


    • Iv never voted labour but certainly will be with this woman on the team I also think Sarah Champion MP is the right person to take this forward too!


  11. Hi Loopyloo and Pollypocket…. Just a question. Do you attend RMBC council meetings.?. Are you familiar with how they are run….? With the hindsight of age and experience I would say that throwing Sarah in the RMBC arena would be equivalent of sending a single soldier to fight a war single handed. They are bound to get wounded or killed….What’s wrong with like minded people getting behind Sarah and standing as Independents… Consider it….. Otherwise…. she’s a lamb to the slaughter…..As my old Mam use to say S..t sticks and there is plenty of it in the Labour Council.


    • can I ask what relevance it is if iv been to council meetings? We’re talking about the whistleblower and her story exposing Rotherham and what she’s done for those affected and the fact she continues to fight to better Rotherham from every angle. There’s plenty of s**t every where in Rotherham as we’ve all seen, some people are actually doing something about it whilst others sit behind a computer putting those people down for trying. Feel free to play your role Linda!!


  12. Ill look into when the next one is Linda and Greg and start attending maybe you should get them book first and read it then we may have a conversation then


  13. Oh dear Loopy and Polly…..As we say in New Zealand ‘good on yer for sticking up for the underdog. It would be good if they knew your real names so they could thank you personaly. Yes, I live in NZ. It will bore the pants off most contributors for me to repeat my pedigree once again. I was brought up in Tinsley and married and lived in Rotherham , a place that is dear to me still. Rotherham is known world wide for it’s appalling record of violation of it’s children and the ‘cringing powers that be’ never been able to put their hand up and say.. I screwed up and I am sorry….
    I found out watching the news on Tele when Prof Jays report came out….Took the trouble to research all the information I could and discovered Rothpol… Also found out that RMBC have a webcast so from my cosy armchair I watch live all the RMBC meetings. Because unfortunately I can’t be in their public gallery to throw a few uncomfortable questions at the Labour clones , I find I can get some voice on Rothpol….
    If I were in Rotherham girls, you and I could be marching in the same band, except I would feel defiled to call myself Labour. I would take my chance and become Independent. Solitary confinement would be preferable to Labour contamination….
    Sarah Champion has my respect and admiration…. I just think she will be knee deep in **** as a Labour councilor it will be difficultfor her to get rid of the smell…..


    • I never said I didn’t attend meetings. And if I choose not to post my real name then that is my choice and they don’t need to thank me personally I didn’t comment for that reason I’m allowed to use rothpol for my voice too. I’m a person that lives in Rotherham and sees day in day out of what’s happening. Yes labour will never get rid of the badness that they have caused and I hope they don’t after everything that they have done they should carry it to the grave with them but the fact that good people are wanting to get stuck in and try and get the bad out is a good thing. Are you suggesting that we should stand back and allow more corruption and badness in all because of a bad smell. It would probably be easier for herself if she stood solo away from labour but then again I’m guessing after what she’s done in Rotherham she’s not doing this for herself or her reputation she’s doing it to make a difference! Maybe your webcam from NZ isn’t allowing you to see the bigger picture as I do. If anyone is going to report any dodgy dealings that’s going on in that party then I’m sure she will as she already has, should be more people like her standing our town might stand a chance if there was, it’s about time the corrupt was out and the good was in and that’s in all areas!!


  14. Polly, Mostly you and I are on the same page….We would be on the same mission if I still lived in Rotherham… Just can’t understand why Ms Senior is standing as a Labour Councilor. One person can only take so much and they have been brutal with dissention within their own ranks…. They go for the jugular alright….Some big boys have got knocked out and they don’t mind calling the cops if you ask too many awkward questions…. Anyhow…. (I’ll get some titters for this one.)… I still believe one person and God is the majority….. So go for it Ms Senior and all the best ….


    • Everyone is of course entitled to there opinion I just think it’s a very brave move of her especially with everything she has already faced and it just shows she’s dedicated to making a real difference instead of just taking the easy route as she could have. The fact that some people are questioning her motives after everything she has done just baffles me she’s clearly an intelligent strong woman and knows what she’s doing and should be supported by all on the rest of her journey


      • Polly…. I don’t question Ms Seniors motives as being self centred or devious ….. I have read of her tenacity over a long period of time …She has my admiration and respect …. I like her gutsy style..But I think it is unwise to join the Labour Council ranks….In doing so she must accept ( as her supporter must also ) that many sincere Rotherham voters will be wondering what the heck is she thinking of…..To assume one woman will clean up the cesspool that is RMBC labour council is, I afraid, delusions of grandeur…..If Ms Senior does indeed join the Labour council , well, she ain’t seen nothin yet…..They are ruthless with dessenters even in the best cause…


  15. Does Jayne Senior know that at least 4 Labour candidates were in the know in 2005 and kept quiet how can she work along side these people the very ones that were responsible for letting the abuse go on unchallenged it is just hard to grasp how some one who was treated so poorly by such people can now join them and work along side them this just does not stand up to scrutiny
    For me unless I am missing something here


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