The Times – Files expose hidden child sex scandal – Day Two Part Three – Public Inquiry?

From The Times of 25th September 2012, Calls for a public inquiry:



3 thoughts on “The Times – Files expose hidden child sex scandal – Day Two Part Three – Public Inquiry?

  1. Cannot believe Denis MacShane!
    What planet is he on?
    Trying to take some undeserved credit, as this scandal reveals more about the seedy side of Rotherham.
    It is disingenuous of him to claim he knew nothing about it, looks like ‘dissembling Denis’ is still being economical with the truth. Nothing new there then.


  2. I just saw this on Denis MacShane’s website. Unbelievable!
    “I am very heartened by the reassurances I have received this morning from the top level of South Yorkshire police that the force is putting extra resources into tacking this scourge which shames us all. I have also spoken to Shaun Wright, Labour’s candidate for the Police and Crime Commissioner who will be elected in November and he assures me that, if elected, he will make tackling the problem of child sex exploitation and internal trafficking a top priority and back the police decision to seek to eradicate this criminal behaviour from South Yorkshire.”
    So Shaun Wright will save the situation (and clearly we don’t need to bother with an election for Labour to have crowned the new PCC)? Really??? Does his track record reassure us of thaat? He is currently deputy chairman of the South Yorkshire Police Authority: how many times has he raised this issue in that forum to support the police in tackling this epidemic of abuse? What positive action did he take while chairing the Children’s Board in Rotherham while these crimes were taking place under the council’s nose? Or while mayor of Rotherham? Did he make it a priority when he published his PCC manifesto? If he felt the police were not doing enough, why did he not speak up, as was his responsibility?
    Shaun Wright has remained tight-lipped and left us to speculate. There’s no way to know whether he has fought for these children or stood idly by, or worse whether he has helped to conceal these horrors for so long. It is high time he spoke for himself and told us his position. What did he know? When did he know it? What action did he take? Perhaps we should welcome the idea of another long-winded, expensive public enquiry in the hope of getting answers to these questions. By then, Mr Wright will (according to predictions) be the serving PCC. Can he withstand the scrutiny? Time will tell but, if he has nothing to be ashamed of, he could address these questions now and have done with it. An honourable person with integrity would do just that.


  3. An honourable person with integrity is something RMBC Labour Group does not have and never will have. The cover up of these horrific crimes, one of which ended in murder, has come right from the very top to the bottom of that group. How any of them can stay in office is beyond belief and one who I believe is particularly instrumental in the cover up is the deputy leader. He tries to make out that this article in “The Times” has only just brought it to his attention but we know he has been trying to deny the existance of these crimes for months! They should all be thrown out and they should all hang their heads in shame.


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