Labour’s Quota Woes

It has been decreed that further progress on implementation of quotas for women must be made for the 2014 local elections. At least one seat, in each of the twenty one wards, must be a woman, we understand.

This will not be a painless process as there is said to be much resistance from certain of those male Councillors coming up for re-election next year, who may be obliged to ‘fall on their swords’ earlier than they intended.

As is usual in Rotherham, the Labour Party’s instructions have been interpreted differently. Only if a male Councillor retires, will a female candidate be mandatory in Wards where the Councillors are currently all male. Hope that clarifies the position for readers?

To that end a list of women to fill the required number of seats for 2014 has been approved.

Surprise, surprise! One of the five, is Shaun Wright’s wife and who is also heir to a dynasty of Councillors, past and present, from the Johnston family!

10 thoughts on “Labour’s Quota Woes

  1. Think this is what’s referred to as “positive discrimination”.
    There’s nothing positive about it – unless you happen to be in the group that’s ‘needed’ for whatever reason.
    As for the Labour party tactics, as ever it stinks !


  2. Reblogged this on maltbyblogger and commented:
    Think this is what’s referred to as “positive discrimination”.
    There’s nothing positive about it – unless you happen to be in the group that’s ‘needed’ for whatever reason.
    As for the Labour party tactics, as ever it stinks !


  3. People should be voted in as the best of all candidates rather than just females. What about other minorities like disabled people?


  4. The Wright family must be missing that £12,500 a year after our dear Shaun gave up his seat on the council. Is this why his wife has taken over? Isn’t £80,000 a year enough for a poor working man or should I say someone who is supposed to represent the working man?


  5. He certainly doesn’t represent the un – working man/woman either (those that want jobs but can’t get one, that is )
    Do we have any info on this woman ? Her candidates details should be interesting.
    Wonder if Akhtar et al are happy about this ?
    Maybe we can look forward to another staged “walk out” a la Sarah Champion selection !


    • Akhtar’s safe, mores the pity, as there is already a woman councillor (Kath Sims the ex- secretary of dearly departed Denis MacShane) in the Rotherham West Ward. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the pay for the police commissioner was 85 grand per annum.


  6. A couple of possible scenarios.

    Shaun repays his former colleagues for their unstinting loyalty and has his wife as the candidate for Rotherham West, goodbye Akhtar, who must be dragging in £80k/year from all his public appointments.

    Or we have an alliance of opposition parties supporting just one candidate to stand against Akhtar.

    In both cases a good result all round!


  7. On a slightly different tack I played bowls at Hemsworth Conservative Club last week and was amazed to learn that Lady Members are not allowed.


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