Keeping it in the family?

From the South Yorkshire Times:

Wife of police commissioner selected as candidate for his vacant council seat

The wife of South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright is to stand for the Rawmarsh seat on Rotherham Council, in the by-election sparked by her husband’s retirement.

Mrs Lisa Wright has been selected by members of the Labour Party.

Lisa, 37, a nursing sister at Rotherham Hospital, hopes to follow in the footsteps of three previous generations of her family. Her great grand father Bill Skelton was elected to Rotherham Council in the 1940’s and was Mayor in 1969; her grandmother Joan Johnston was elected in the 1960’s and was Rotherham’s Mayor in 1981 and her mother Lindsay Johnston was elected in the 1990’s and currently represents Wingfield Ward. Read on…..

Labour, apparently stitched this one up with an ‘all women shortlist’!

It is a matter of history that Jack Dromey, Harriet Harperson’s husband, was selected from an ‘all women shortlist’? Darren Hughes and his supporters must be dismayed?

From the Advertiser:

Wife bids for Police Commissioner’s old council seat

Posted On: 18 April 2013

THE wife of police commissioner Shaun Wright is in the running to replace her husband on the council. Read on….

14 thoughts on “Keeping it in the family?

  1. I recently made a prediction that Mr Hughes would not be selected for Rawmarsh, and that his standing for the Euro Elections was another “Wright move” sideways. I would be very suprised if he were to be selected as MEP when almost every Council Leader in the Yorks and Humber region are backing the Female candidate, including Roger Stone. Whilst I have probably not been very kind to Darren in the past, I feel sorry for him that they have taken him for a ride. “Night of the long knives springs to mind”. I think he will find it very hard to get a seat in Rotherham now.


  2. What the people of rawmarsh need to do is just say no to political dynasties. The left can best help the people of rawmarsh by providing a credible candidate they can all vote for. I hope andy gray can rally the support he will need to keep the wright dynasty away from rawmarsh.


  3. Commisioner Wright probably though that if he couldn’t claim the Council allowance then his wife may as well have it. He is such a greedy sod that he is the only Labour ward secretary that claims a renumeration for doing the job. And by the way perhaps his wife can tell us what she has ever done for the party, such as delivering a single leaflet. I have always thought that the members of the Rawmarsh ward were daft now this proves me right.


  4. No doubt once elected Mrs. Wright will be at every council related meeting, junket etc possible.

    Her job as a nurse will have to be covered by expensive agency staff or go uncovered because of funding cuts, and guess what? Mrs. Wright will be paid by the NHS to skip off and play politics and she will also drag in her £12,500/year councilor allowance.

    Can I make a suggestion?

    Mrs. Wright, do not claim your NHS pay while playing politics, use your allowance to cover the pay lost from the NHS day job, now that would be a refreshing change, just think of drugs and dressings that could go towards!

    I forgot, how stupid of me, this is Labour controlled RMBC, it will never happen, move over, room for one more on the civic gravy train.


  5. One wonders, what on Earth possessed the Labour Party members of Rawmarsh, when they decided to pick Lisa Wright?

    This certainly looks like a case of dynastic politics, arrogance and extreme greed, coupled with a lack of any political sensitivity, as to how this will appear to the long suffering voters of Rawmarsh Ward.

    Nor will this selection, do Labour any credit, elsewhere in Rotherham Borough!


    • One wonders what the Labour Party members of Rotherham West were thinking when they re-selected Asbo Akthar, an unprincipled person with a criminal record for a serious offence of violence, who would not resign from the council after being convicted!. I don’t support Labour or the Johnston/Wright family at all, but as far as I know Lisa Wright does not have a criminal record.


  6. There are no words to describe this situation. Words like theft, self-serving, thieving, corruption, lies, cheats are not enough. The Labour group within RMBC are the lowest of the low, they couldn’t sink any further. Unfortunately the blinkers will come out once again and Rawmarsh will vote for her.


  7. Perhaps the Wright family imagine themselves to be like the rulers of North Korea?
    Once a family member gets into power……………………………………….
    This is nepotism in all its glory.
    No doubt the comrades who supported her selection will be awarded the Order of The Rotherham Republic Red Banner.


  8. I think Lisa will get elected and do a very good job. I think Darren is a great person and whatever role he plays in politics it will benefit all of us. He his bright and motivated to use his skills to benefit those he serves. To cross the floor took real courage and for that I admire him.


  9. “I think Lisa will get elected and do a very good job.”

    How good would it be Graham Wilson, if it was as plain and simple as that !
    Perhaps you should look more closely at the comments of “seasoned” RMBC scrutineers … and take off those “selective spectacles” you seem to be wearing !


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