Del Boy Appears… Disappears

Dear Rotherham Politics readers,

Well well well, just like the bad penny or the smell you get when you have trodden in something on the sidewalk … up pops Del Boy, Da Laybah Champayne Commissar twitter-twattering with Da Stasi Commissaress …

Darren Hughes @darrenjlhughes

@darrenjlhughes’s account is protected.
2h Emma Hoddinott Emma Hoddinott ?@Emma_Hoddinott

@darrenjlhughes smart meters would solve this. I get concerned that some people won’t question and struggle to pay.

12:53 PM – 18 Sep 12

Del Boy has run away from public view but is still twitter-twattering to The Favoured Few who’ve signed the Friendship Pledge of the champayne chattering clarsses …

Any sign of a contrite apology for his earlier major lapse of judgement with Comrade Longshanks? No – thought not.

Kind Regards,

Previous posts refer:

In Tory Boy’s Case – Apology? Came There None!

Lower than a snakes belly!

1 thought on “Del Boy Appears… Disappears

  1. Comrade Hughes does not know how to apologise for his evident mistakes? Ideal member of RMBC, as they never acknowledge their errors either! More Bollinger, anyone?


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