Del Boy Appears… Disappears

Dear Rotherham Politics readers,

Well well well, just like the bad penny or the smell you get when you have trodden in something on the sidewalk … up pops Del Boy, Da Laybah Champayne Commissar twitter-twattering with Da Stasi Commissaress …

Darren Hughes @darrenjlhughes

@darrenjlhughes’s account is protected.
2h Emma Hoddinott Emma Hoddinott ?@Emma_Hoddinott

@darrenjlhughes smart meters would solve this. I get concerned that some people won’t question and struggle to pay.

12:53 PM – 18 Sep 12

Del Boy has run away from public view but is still twitter-twattering to The Favoured Few who’ve signed the Friendship Pledge of the champayne chattering clarsses …

Any sign of a contrite apology for his earlier major lapse of judgement with Comrade Longshanks? No – thought not.

Kind Regards,

Previous posts refer:

In Tory Boy’s Case – Apology? Came There None!

Lower than a snakes belly!