Threat to moderate Labour MPs grows as deselection gets easier


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Labour MPs could face a lower threshold for deselection after the party’s ruling body backed rule changes to make it easier for constituency parties to challenge incumbents. At present MPs face a trigger ballot — which could force them to … Continue reading

Labour frontbencher spent thousands in taxpayer cash on legal battle with Jewish aide


A Labour frontbencher spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ cash in a legal row with his Jewish Parliamentary assistant after she accused him of religious discrimination. Shadow Europe minister Khalid Mahmood was taken to an employment tribunal by his staff … Continue reading

Jewish Labour MP ‘feels unwelcome’ after Corbyn comments


A Jewish Labour MP has said she feels “unwelcome” in the party after a video emerged showing Jeremy Corbyn accusing British Zionists of having “no sense of English irony”. Liverpool Wavertree MP Luciana Berger described the Labour leader’s comments, in … Continue reading

Labour MP Chris Williamson’s ‘democracy roadshow’ criticised


An ally of Jeremy Corbyn’s has rejected claims he is using a tour of Labour constituencies to push for the removal of critics of the party leader. Chris Williamson said his “democracy roadshow” was an attempt to engage seriously with … Continue reading

I won’t stand for Labour in Sheffield Hallam because of anti-Semitism in the party, says ex-candidate Oliver Coppard


A former Labour Parliamentary candidate for the Sheffield Hallam seat says he will not be standing for the role again because of his concerns about anti-Semitism within the party. Oliver Coppard, who took on then-Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in … Continue reading