Rochdale grooming trio to lose British citizenship


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Three members of a notorious grooming gang will be stripped of their British citizenship following a court ruling. Abdul Aziz, Adil Khan and Qari Abdul Rauf were among nine men jailed for offences including the rape and trafficking of girls … Continue reading

Four of the Rochdale grooming gang are fighting deportation – and only two are still in jail


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All four are mounting yet another legal challenge to fight plans to deport them to Pakistan All but two of the Rochdale grooming gang have been released from prison – and four of them are mounting yet another taxpayer-funded legal … Continue reading

Child sex abuse gang face deportation to Pakistan


Four members of a child sex grooming gang are facing deportation to Pakistan after losing a legal battle today to stop the home secretary stripping them of their British citizenship. Britain’s most senior immigration judge has rejected their appeals against … Continue reading