Labour, Biraderi, Corruption and Child Sexual Abuse: Joining up the Dots


This piece published previously, the best article I have seen on the subject of biraderism as it relates to Rotherham. Seems appropriate also, because Len Tingle uttered the word, not to be spoken out loud, Biraderism! Live on Look North, … Continue reading

Len Tingle’s Take on Denis’s Predicament

No privilege for disgraced former MP Denis MacShane

A couple of days ago this tweet popped up in my Twitter account:

“Glad to see @DenisMacShane is not to be charged. Decent guy. Good sense prevails”

I had never heard of the person who posted the information in the first place but it had come to me because it had been re-tweeted by someone I have followed very closely for a long time.

That re-tweeter was Denis MacShane himself.

It took one phone call to Scotland Yard’s press office to discover that Denis MacShane the disgraced former Labour MP for Rotherham in South Yorkshire, still has questions to answer. Read on…….