Anti-Semitism – The Rotherham Link?


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Way back in March 2013, Naz Ahmed got himself into difficulty over his own anti-Semitic prejudices, shared by many Rotherham coreligionists, I am told. This photo, first published on Guido Fawkes’ blog, was taken on the now infamous, for … Continue reading

Allegations of CSE cover up and misogyny within the Labour Party


Allegations of CSE cover up and misogyny within the Labour Party Shaista Gohir is pulling no punches. The chair of the charity Muslim Women’s Network (MWN) UK is continuing to deal blows to the Labour party, accusing it of covering up … Continue reading

Muslim women ‘stopped’ from becoming Labour councillors


A Muslim women’s group has written to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn claiming women have been stopped from becoming councillors by Muslim men in the party. Muslim Women’s Network UK demanded an inquiry into “systematic misogyny displayed by significant numbers of … Continue reading