Grenfell Tower fire: Government to ‘keep eye’ on council


The government will keep “a close eye” on Kensington and Chelsea council after its leader quit over the Grenfell Tower fire, the communities secretary says. Sajid Javid said it was “right” that Nicholas Paget-Brown stepped down and said the process … Continue reading

Former commissioner quits as housing charity chairman


FORMER Rotherham council commissioner Sir Derek Myers quit as chairman of housing charity Shelter following the Grenfell Tower disaster. Sir Derek was previously chief executive at Kensington and Chelsea Council, which has been criticised along with the charity for its … Continue reading

Grenfell Tower: Cladding ‘changed to cheaper version’


Cladding fitted to Grenfell Tower during its refurbishment was changed to a cheaper version, documents obtained by the BBC suggest. Documents show the zinc cladding originally proposed was replaced with an aluminium type, which was less fire resistant, saving nearly … Continue reading