Operation Bullfinch and the vulnerable girls of Oxford


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Operation Bullfinch and the vulnerable girls of Oxford Operation Bullfinch, the police inquiry that led to an Old Bailey trial, began in 2011, four months after The Times revealed a hidden national pattern of sex crimes involving young teenage girls … Continue reading

Times wins right to name abuse-trial millionaire Tariq Khuja


Times wins right to name abuse-trial millionaire Tariq Khuja The identity of a multimillionaire property developer who was arrested during a police inquiry into a child-sex ring was revealed yesterday after The Times won a four-year battle to lift his … Continue reading

Oxford grooming arrest man loses anonymity case


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A man arrested but never charged in connection with an investigation into child sexual grooming has lost a legal battle to keep his identity secret. Tariq Khuja attempted to use privacy laws to stop press and media reports after he … Continue reading