Three ex-police officers due in court over Hillsborough disaster


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FIVE men charged over the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath are due to appear in court for the first time today. Former South Yorkshire Police officers Sir Norman Bettison, Donald Denton and Alan Foster are due at Warrington Magistrates’ Court … Continue reading

Ex-South Yorkshire Police officers apply for Hillsborough funding


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Three ex-police officers charged over the Hillsborough disaster have applied for public funds for their legal fees. They include former Ch Supt David Duckenfield who faces 95 charges of manslaughter by gross negligence following the 1989 disaster. Former Ch Supt … Continue reading

South Yorkshire Police were under investigation for corporate manslaughter for Hillsborough disaster


South Yorkshire Police was under investigation for corporate manslaughter in relation to the Hillsborough disaster, but for charges to be brought it would have to be proven now-deceased chief constable Peter Wright was personally grossly negligent, it has been revealed. … Continue reading

Manslaughter and misconduct charges for Hillsborough disaster police chiefs


SIX people are to face criminal charges over the Hillsborough disaster and its aftermath — including former Chief Supt David Duckenfield, who faces 95 charges of manslaughter by gross negligence. Mr Duckenfield was match commander at the FA Cup semi-final … Continue reading