Ruthlessly Silenced


By lying to ourselves, more vulnerable girls are put at risk BRITISH author Frances Hardinge once wrote: “Truth is dangerous. It topples palaces and kills kings…And yet there is one thing that is more dangerous than Truth. Those who would … Continue reading

Andrew Norfolk’s Perspective


A disturbing pattern is repeated again, and more cases to come The Northumbria prosecution means that Newcastle upon Tyne has joined a growing list of towns and cities in which groups of south Asian men have stood trial for street-grooming … Continue reading

Four of the Rochdale grooming gang are fighting deportation – and only two are still in jail


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All four are mounting yet another legal challenge to fight plans to deport them to Pakistan All but two of the Rochdale grooming gang have been released from prison – and four of them are mounting yet another taxpayer-funded legal … Continue reading

Child abuse survivor praises BBC’s Rochdale grooming drama Three Girls


A ROTHERHAM child abuse survivor has praised the BBC’s drama series Three Girls which shines a spotlight on the Rochdale grooming scandal. The three-part series, which concludes tonight, tells the real-life story of a sexual health worker’s battle with the … Continue reading

Child sex abuse gang face deportation to Pakistan


Four members of a child sex grooming gang are facing deportation to Pakistan after losing a legal battle today to stop the home secretary stripping them of their British citizenship. Britain’s most senior immigration judge has rejected their appeals against … Continue reading

Rochdale child sex gang ringleader appeals against deportation


Shabir Ahmed tells tribunal his trial was ‘institutionally racist’ as he resists efforts to deport him to Pakistan The ringleader of a Rochdale child sex grooming gang cited human rights laws as he launched an appeal against deportation from Britain. … Continue reading

Rochdale men jailed for ‘appalling and vile’ abuse


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Nine men jailed for Rochdale grooming of young teenager Ten men who groomed and sexually abused young girls in a town notorious for child exploitation have been jailed for a total of 127 years. Read on… Rochdale men jailed … Continue reading

News 3 March 2015


RR spots the Rochdale developments: Ten men charged over Rochdale child abuse claims There will be an urgent question at 12.30pm in the Commons on the report into child sexual abuse in Oxfordshire published this morning. About the … Continue reading

News and Shorts 22 Oct 2014


Liverpool chief executive Ged Fitzgerald’s Rotherham child sex abuse scandal questioning to be boycotted by opposition leaders: The Guardian on reactions amongst Taxi firm in Rochdale: