Andrew Norfolk – Care scandal


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Care scandal: MPs demand investigation into autistic woman’s care Labour last night demanded an “urgent investigation” after The Times revealed that a court allowed a woman with severe learning disabilities to have sex with numerous men she barely knew. The … Continue reading

Andrew Norfolk – Times investigation


Autism charity calls for ‘urgent lessons’ over care scandal Britain’s leading autism charity called today for “urgent lessens to be learned” after The Times revealed that a court allowed a vulnerable young woman with severe learning disabilities to have sex … Continue reading

Grooming gangs ‘are abusing girls across the country’, victims and investigators warn


Call for action comes as Bradford records 62 per cent rise in the number of referrals to its specialist child sexual exploitation service Grooming gangs across the country are repeating the horrific abuse exposed in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and most recently Newcastle, victims and … Continue reading

Andrew Norfolk’s Perspective


A disturbing pattern is repeated again, and more cases to come The Northumbria prosecution means that Newcastle upon Tyne has joined a growing list of towns and cities in which groups of south Asian men have stood trial for street-grooming … Continue reading