Arrests at English Defence League protest in Rotherham


SIX people were arrested at the 17th far-right protest to be held in Rotherham town centre since 2012 on Saturday. South Yorkshire Police said around 120 members of the English Defence League took part in a march and around 140 … Continue reading

Muhbeen working up to another r**t….. sorry act of self defence?


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A reader saw this and thought it should have a wider audience. They proffered the following observation, “Can see these mugs rioting again.” See also – The MrBean Hussain & Chris Read Letters: Boys will be..? Posted on January 18, 2017 … Continue reading

Rotherham 12 were defending themselves in the face of an ‘unexpected onslaught’, court told


Protesters did no more than act in self defence while standing together against a “cauldron of hatred” from Nazi thugs, the Rotherham 12 trial heard. Michael Mansfield QC, defending two of the men who are accused of violent disorder, said … Continue reading

Wellgate Riot Trial: Arrested Wellgate rally counter-protester tells court “blade” was a “wooden knife”


Arrested Wellgate rally counter-protester tells court “blade” was a “wooden knife” A FATHER charged with possessing an offensive weapon during a mass brawl which broke out after a right-wing and counter protest claims he was brandishing a wooden artificial knife … Continue reading

Police commander’s ignorance ‘beggars belief’ Rotherham 12 trial told


A police commander in charge on the day Nazis attacked Asian counter demonstrators in Rotherham has been likened to a character from TV comedy Fawlty Towers. Sheffield Crown Court burst into laughter as defence barrister Michael Mansfield QC mocked Chief … Continue reading

Over 200 join solidarity protest outside court as trial of Rotherham 12 begins


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More than 200 people protested on the first day of the trial of the Rotherham 12 in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, today, Thursday. “Self defence is no offence” was the chant outside Sheffield Crown Court in support of 12 Asian men. … Continue reading