Yorkshire Post on Inhumanity of grooming gang.


This gallery contains 2 photos.

The Yorkshire Post says: Inhumanity of grooming gang. Abuse victims as young as 11 – what lessons should be learned? OUR first thoughts today are with the young victims of the Huddersfield grooming gang who were subjected to a level … Continue reading

Cross party group of Northern politicians urge £100bn transport cash boost in Budget


A cross party group of politicians, including senior Tory party grandees, have today taken the unprecedented step of coming together to urge the Chancellor Philip Hammond to commit £100 billion to transform the north’s rail and road network to prevent … Continue reading

The Yorkshire Post says: Labour MPs in Leave constituencies caught between a rock and a hard place on Brexit bill


Labour MPs representing Leave-voting constituencies find themselves facing what is rapidly becoming an all-too-familiar dilemma as the tortuous legislative process of departing the European Union continues. In the wake of the General Election, where many promised their electorate that they … Continue reading

James Mitchinson: Freedom to seek out the truth in peril


THE Yorkshire Post has a centuries-old track record of high quality investigative journalism, with successive editors pledging allegiance to the oath originally set down as the Post’s founding statement: “[This newspaper] while supporting every practical improvement … will be at … Continue reading

Labour bosses drafted in to pick candidates!


Labour bosses drafted in to pick candidates for Bradford Council elections after allegations are made CANDIDATES for Labour in Bradford Council elections will be chosen by the party’s governing body after complaints were made about the way selections were being … Continue reading