Star analysis of the lessons from the trial


Rotherham abuse scandal: Grooming gang who stole childhoods begin jail terms totalling 102 years An evil Rotherham child abuse gang who stole the childhoods of vulnerable girls have been sentenced to 102 years in jail. Ringleader Arshid Hussain – who … Continue reading

Ringleader of Rotherham child sexual abuse gang jailed for 35 years


Ringleader of Rotherham child sexual abuse gang jailed for 35 years Judge praises ‘immeasurable courage’ of victims as three brothers are jailed for between 19 and 35 years for leading exploitation of girls The three brothers at the head of … Continue reading

Hussain brothers jailed in Rotherham abuse case


Hussain brothers jailed in Rotherham abuse case Three brothers who groomed, raped and sexually assaulted 15 teenage girls in Rotherham have been jailed. Arshid Hussain, 40, was jailed for 35 years while siblings Basharat, 39, and Bannaras, 36, were jailed … Continue reading

Rotherham abuse victim ‘attacked by own family’


‘A pack of animals’: Rotherham teen beaten up by own family after Asian gang abused her: QC A TEENAGER was beaten up by her own family after they found out she had been abused by one of three brothers who … Continue reading

Rotherham child abuse gang leader wanted IVF


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Rotherham child abuse gang leader wanted IVF The leader of the Rotherham sex-grooming gang has asked about fertility treatment despite making several children pregnant and fathering up to 18 babies. Arshid Hussain’s wish to expand his family was disclosed in … Continue reading

Police conspired to protect Rotherham child sex abusers


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Police conspired to protect Rotherham child sex abusers Corrupt police and an influential politician fuelled a culture of impunity that allowed three brothers to “own” the town of Rotherham and abuse children until their crimes were exposed by The Times. … Continue reading

Yorkshire Post – Rotherham victim: Now my life can finally begin


Rotherham victim: Now my life can finally begin ONE victim of the Rotherham gang said going through with the investigation was one of the hardest things she had ever done, “but it is so worth it”. Rotherham became a byword … Continue reading

Child sex abuse trial: Reactions online


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This is the first reaction post I have seen, if readers should spot more, be grateful if you would share them with us in the comments please, I will pick any up from there, Rik. Questions arising from the pimping … Continue reading

The Times – Six found guilty of sexually exploiting Rotherham girls


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Six found guilty of sexually exploiting Rotherham girls Six people, including three brothers and their uncle, have been found guilty of a series of offences involving the sexual exploitation of teenage girls in Rotherham. Arshid and Basharat Hussain were found … Continue reading

BREAKING: verdicts in Rotherham abuse trial


BREAKING: verdicts in Rotherham abuse trial Three men and two women have been found guilty of a range of offences involving the sexual exploitation of teenage girls in Rotherham. Brothers Arshid and Basharat Hussain were found guilty of multiple rapes … Continue reading