Jahangir turns up!


I understand that Jahangir Akhtar has returned to private hire taxi driving. According to sources, Jahangir is reportedly working for Venture of Wath. Perhaps he doesn’t want his mates to see him in town? How did he get a licence … Continue reading

Rotherham’s broken democracy


“The rather over used and perhaps misunderstood word, that comes out of the mouths of politicians, is democracy. The ‘will of the people’ is the simplest and most accurate way of putting it. What happens to all politicians, is that … Continue reading

Leaked Report – Deconstruction Needed?


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The Advertiser carried this unusual report, leaked to them by an anonymous source. There is more to this, than meets the eye? Readers views? Posted previously: Who was first? The definitive answer – Jahangir Akhtar!

Still relevant in today’s Rotherham!


Pakistan clans ‘abusing’ British politics By Navid Akhtar Presenter, The Biraderi, BBC Radio 4″ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3181851.stm It is well worth reading! Particularly since it features both Lord Ahmed: “Britain’s only Pakistani member of the House of Lords, has fallen foul of … Continue reading

Confirmation from Parliamentary Review


A Parliamentary Review confirms what Rothpol has always said. “There is no evidence that children are any safer fro sexual abuse because of the Councils meaningless new paper policies. Right then, that’s where we are. Bit embarrassing, but we can … Continue reading