Richard S Russell vs Rob Foulds – Fact Check

Rob Foulds

In the wake of the local elections this year and the dirtiest campaign, from parts of the Labour Party, ever in Rotherham! Much has been made of the fact that Rob Foulds did not live in Rother Vale Ward where he stood as a Rotherham Independent candidate last year. Labour has taken every opportunity to draw attention to this fact believing that this would be damaging to Rob Foulds’s reputation.

Rob Foulds stood in the Rother Vale Ward, which he can see from his front window, because Richard Russell was a ‘bussed in’ Labour candidate from far away West Melton, just next door to Brampton Bierlow, part of the Dearne Valley and not the most ‘local’!

Richard Russell Deselected 'Dud'

Richard Russell was also a decidedly poor candidate, rejected by his home ward of Hoober, where  Labour Party members deselected him after 28 years as their councillor because they already had quite enough of this insufferably arrogant, ignorant and greedy**(See note below) Councillor, whose abilities appear to be in inverse proportion to his ego! A right numpty, in fact!

Interestingly and very illuminating, Richard Russell always gives as his address Wath-upon-Dearne. Say that to the neighbours, and they will tell you they live in West Melton or even Brampton Bierlow! What planet is he on? His wife Pat is also a councillor, representing the far away Silverwood ward. There seems to be a pattern emerging don’t you think?

The fact that Labour members from the Rother Vale ward selected this dud, previously rejected candidate, to represent them is evidence that Labour is completely contemptuous of the voters! And the stupidity of Labour members in Rother Vale was also made abundantly clear by their outrageous choice.

Another factor was also important for Rotherham Independents, the clamour from residents of the ward for a more able and local candidate. The resentment in the ward, even among fiercely loyal Labour voters was clear. This was eventually persuasive and crucial in deciding to contest the Rother Vale ward last year, I understand. This resulted in Rob Foulds reducing the Labour majority and gaining 1,700 votes, quite a surprise in this most tribal of Labour seats and with the backdrop of a simultaneous General Election, very surprising indeed!

Chris Read - Wickersley's Local Candidate?

When it became known that Wickersley Labour Party had selected a candidate with no local connexions, from far away Swinton, Rob decided to take a stand on this issue and made it an important plank of his campaign! Rob Foulds lives in the Wickersley ward and was fully entitled to be aggrieved that Labour was not fielding a local candidate but one from the only point where Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster meet, the Dearne Valley! To add insult to injury, Chris Read cannot drive, which will make serving the residents, difficult if not impossible, in the long term! Wait until winter comes!

Labour made the decision to do everything to conceal this fact from the Wickersley voters, the issues involved will be explored in detail in a later posting. The result reflected this but Rob’s vote put him in second place pushing the Tories into third place! Quite a result!

Notes: Greedy** Richard Russell made into third position in the greed list for last year receiving a total of £29,127.72 and Pat, his wife and fellow councillor, received a total of £13,640.64. Between them they got £42,768.36! Plus any benefits accrued by sitting on outside bodies, a not inconsiderable sum to add to their pensions! No wonder Richard Russell and Pat Russell became ‘carpet baggers’ to get on the Council, in Pats case, or to stay on after being deselected by Hoober ward members who know him best!

Rotherham’s New Cabinet

Councillor Roger Stone, Leader
Councillor Jahangir Akhtar (Deputy Leader)
Councillor John Doyle, Adult Independence, Health and Wellbeing.
Councillor Mahroof Hussain, Community Development, Equality and Young Peoples Issues.
Councillor Paul Lakin, Safeguarding and Developing Learning Opportunities.
Councillor Rose McNeely, Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods.
Councillor Amy Rushforth, Culture, Leisure, Sport and Tourism.
Councillor Richard S. Russell, Town Centres.
Councillor Gerald Smith, Regeneration and Environment.
Councillor Glyn Whelbourn
Councillor Ken Wyatt, Resources and Commissioning.

Published previously: Rotherham’s Cabinet – What No Women!

Rotherham's Cabinet – What No Women!

Councillor Roger Stone Chairman Leader of Council

Councillor Jahangir Akhtar Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods

Councillor John Doyle Member for Health and Social Care

Councillor Mahroof Hussain Member for Community Development and Engagement

Councillor Paul Lakin Member for Children and Young People’s Services

Councillor Richard S. Russell Member for Streetpride

Councillor Iain St. John Member for Cultural Services and Sport

Councillor Terry Sharman Vice-Chairman and responsible for Human Resources, Equalities, Training & Development

Councillor Gerald Smith Member for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation

Councillor Glyn Whelbourn Member for

Councillor Ken Wyatt Member for Resources

At first glance this Cabinet is pretty poor, lacking in talent, vision and ability. Nothing new about that then!

Second glance identifies the glaring omission. No Women at all! How can this be?

Thanks to Labour’s quest for gender equality, there are women Labour councillors but Roger Stone did not feel that any of them were up to it! Is he Right?

Jane Austen, Josephine Burton, Sue Ellis, Jaquie Falvey, Jane Hamilton, Jane Havenhand, Hilda Jack, Lindsay Johnston, Rose McNeely, Amy Rushforth (Kevin Barron’s daughter), Gwendoline Ann Russell, Pat Russell (Wife of R S Russell), Sheila Walker and Jennifer Whysall, have all been rejected by the Council Leader as not talented enough to serve in his Cabinet.

This means that not one of the fifteen female councillors is judged as able enough, by comparison with their male colleagues, to serve as Cabinet Members. Even a cursory glance at some in the Cabinet makes this appear patently ridiculous! There are at least four or five males that serve in the current Cabinet whose abilities are clearly inferior to one or more of the female back bench councillors and indeed, most if not all of their backbench Male colleagues!

Roger Stone is really taking the electorate for fools with this Cabinet. They are pretty well devoid of talent, arrogant, self opinionated and unwilling to listen to anyone but themselves and fully imbued with Rotherham’s culture of secrecy and Stalinist approach to control of decision making. Rotherham is also being run by a gerontocracy it seems!

We don’t have real democracy in Rotherham and this proves it!

This is just the latest example of Rotherham Labour treating those they are supposed to serve with complete and utter contempt. No wonder the people of Rotherham are disillusioned and more sceptical and cynical than I have ever known in the last thirty years.

Time for a change! I think.
