Cynicism On Display?


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The page below was brought to Rothpols attention by an observant reader. Thought others might appreciate the cynicism on display, click on image to read the whole RMBC article:

Ship of fools?


This gallery contains 3 photos.

This weeks edition of the Rotherham Advertiser, takes Rotherham Council to task on the debt issue. This eye watering debt mountain, will become much more onerous for us to bear, when interest rates rise towards 5% over the next few … Continue reading

Sarah Champion’s attitude to misogyny?


Too good to miss! Republished from a comment: The reality is she doesn’t comment upon the misogyny within Rotherham Labour Party, so I don’t see any pheasants emerging. I can’t decide whether she is naive, not very bright or brighter … Continue reading

More determined than ever!


This gallery contains 2 photos.

This rather spiteful little letter appeared in last weeks Advertiser. Published anonymously one can only speculate as to who was the author? Helpfully these words bear an uncanny resemblance to a facebook posting by an old friend of Peter Thirlwall. … Continue reading

Star success for Rothpol commenter – PJ Cawkwell makes it into print!

The Star has today published a defence of the public sector workers who took strike action on Wednesday.The principal author, our very own Community Champion, PJ Cawkwell!

It’s right to strike

Published on Friday 2 December 2011 09:00

People should remember this week’s strike is not and has never just been about public sector pensions. This is also about a way of life.

I won’t sit back and let the Government charge me to see my GP, or to use any NHS facility, or to see day care centres for the elderly close down, or see the privatisation of public sector call centres such as HMRC and the DWP which means people being sacked to make way for lower-paid staff. Read on……………

Cameron demonises public sector workers it’s all been said before

The airwaves are chocked solid with negative stories about the public sector workers and their planned strike next Wednesday, 30th November.

For anyone left who doesn’t think the strike is justified you need look no further than this coverage, which is beginning to look awfully like a previous Tory Government, 1979-1997. Have they no more fresh ideas than to simply ape, the Thatcher Government?

Under Margaret Thatcher, Public Sector workers were blamed for almost all economic woes. When various workers from the Health Service had had enough of being made scapegoats and stood up and demanded a fair pay and conditions package, they were defeated eventually as were the Mineworkers after their heroic attempt to save their industry collapsed after more than a year.

This action is significant for uniting every single public sector union, from the First Division Association (Organises the most Senior Civil Servants) to PCS (Organises mostly below average on the pay scale). This has never been achieved before! This degree of unity has obviously worried Cameron and is quite a result! Even the most senior public servants are expected to strike on the 30th November!

Mahroof breaks the ‘golden rule’ – Stay out of the ‘Tiser at all costs!

For many years now it has been a ‘golden rule’ of the Labour Group that members should stay out of the ‘Tiser at all costs. With good reason. Few would pass muster, if they came under close scrutiny from a journalist!

Mahroof has unwittingly made himself look very foolish indeed. I presume his political calculation was, I am up for re-election next year and this is an opportunity, too good to miss, to appear to be on my constituents side and anyway, there are few votes for me among the visitors to RDGH.

So impatient was Mahroof to chat with Gareth Dennison, that he failed to check with the Council Press Office to see if there were any other issues that might be appearing in the same edition as his own piece was published! A fundamental error! Especially so in someone with parliamentary pretensions! Oh dear!

The Press Office had in fact, been dealing with another but related story, and had issued a statement to Phil Turner of the ‘Tiser. Had he bothered to inquire would have discovered this, but he failed to do this quite inexplicably? This begs the question as to Mahroof’s loyalties, has he gone freelance? Certainly does not appear to be a good team player at the very least?

Readers may wish to read Mahroof Hussain MBE Councillor for Boston Castle Ward. If you have not already read it, Jahangir and Mahroof take to You Tube – When will Roger do likewise? May at least give you some amusement. This letter on the ‘Tiser website says it all and may prove to be just a portent of the row to come?

Do’in the rounds – Political Spin?

From one of our readers

 No matter what side of the AISLE you’re on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling! It just all depends on how you look at same things.

Judy Rudd an amateur genealogy researcher in southern Queensland ’s, was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd great-great uncle, Remus Rudd, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Melbourne in 1889. Both Judy and Kevin Rudd share this common ancestor.

The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows at the Melbourne Gaol:

On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: ‘Remus Rudd horse thief, sent to Melbourne Gaol 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Melbourne-Geelong train six times. Caught by Victoria Police Force, convicted and hanged in 1889.’

So Judy recently e-mailed Prime Minister Rudd for information about their great-great uncle. Remus Rudd:
Believe it or not, Kevin Rudd’s staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

“Remus Rudd was famous in  Victoria during the mid to late 1800s . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Melbourne-Geelong Railroad.

Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad.
In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the Victoria Police Force. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honour when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.”

NOW That’s how it’s done, Folks!