Another pretender?

Rotherham Politics understands that there is another that is a potential ‘pretender’ to the role of Rotherham Member of Parliament.

This brings the total to three local Labour members, who are understood to be very interested. Mahroof Hussain MBE and Emma Hoddinott are joined by the exceedingly ambitious local businessman, Darren Hughes!

Darren Hughes is reportedly, very keen on being the first openly gay something, in Rotherham.

The Day ‘Fly on the wall’ met the Queen and the Mayor came too!

I would like to tell you of an interesting day out I had, quite by accident, just the other day.

As you know by now, I can usually be seen hanging round the Town Hall most of the time, but lately have witnessed some pretty rum goings on at parish councils as well, I digress.

I had decided to spend the night in the Mayors car, it’s nice and cosy there and no spiders to worry about. I was awoken at a distinctly ungodly hour when the Mayor’s Attendant and Driver turned up early. We picked up the Mayor and Mayoress and their two guests and headed south, I was getting quite excited by now, this was well out of the ordinary. I soon got bored though, fell asleep by the time we had gone nearly 50 miles!

I only woke up when the party got out of the car, you’ll never guess where we were? Buckingham Palace!

I couldn’t resist following them in, they were at the Queens Garden Party! Some jolly this?

Endless photographs were taken for posterity and I was confident that this would make a splash in The Advertiser and a major good news story on the Mayor’s pages on the RMBC website.

For the time I was there I must say I enjoyed the food and especially drinking from the tiny splashes that result from sparkling wine, don’t think it was champagne though, like Darren used to supply, but never mind I got quite squiffy, don’t remember much after about a dozen! I fell asleep and only woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, once back in the Town Hall I felt quite satisfied by my accidental jolly along with the Mayor and Mayoress.

I kept checking RMBC’s website but nothing was mentioned there. Disappointment too, from the Advertiser. Zero, zilch was mentioned publicly, just what was going on?

This question got it’s answer when I bumped into a mate the other day, who usually hangs around in the press office. He told me, that they never draw attention to jollies like the trip to Buck House, because  the natives wouldn’t understand the selfless service that the Mayor, Mayoress and their two guests provided Rotherham citizens by going on their behalf. The drinking and eating were entirely selfless acts, he explained, as was meeting the Queen and tugging the forelock!

I had bumped into a Rotherham State Secret no less, or at least that was the way it was explained to me! That, and the express insistence that I never, ever, raised questions about the cost of, unmentionable in public, jollies like this. The penalty for indiscretion, the fly spray!

I went back to my usual haunt, terrified by the potential difficulties I was now in. Once I stopped shaking, I started to think and I got very angry!!

I couldn’t keep this to myself so I’ve shared it with you. I feel much better now that it’s off my chest, but I’m sure that fly spray dodging will be the order of the day on Monday, oh dear!

Fly on the wall

Upset in Anston & Woodsetts ward!

For those eager readers waiting for full analysis of this years Rotherham local government elections, disappointment, I am afraid is inevitable! It takes time to do this.

The highlight of the night came at the very end of the counting session, with the declaration of the result for Anston & Woodsetts ward.

Clive Jepson, the doughty Independent, had beaten Darren Hughes!

What the voter giveth, they can take away again!

Selling out Anston’s green belt to the Brethren Cult, was never going to make Darren popular! It’s that kind of place, that and the simple fact, that they wouldn’t be taken for fools! Not twice!

Elections can be wonderful occasions! Revenge of the ‘duped’, perhaps? Or even Rotherham’s very own ‘Portillo’ moment?

More on this story later, when I wake up properly!

The results are here on the RMBC website.

Rocking Horse droppings at Greenlands TARA AGM – tonight!

Greenlands TARA AGM – tonight! Breathless report just in!

Darren Hughes turned up! Now there’s a surprise – he has never been at all in the last four years! Judy Dalton was invited – but “could not come”

Darren spoke with all authority – as if he was doing marvellous things. The audience were absolutely amazed at his audacity, knowing what he is like for never finishing anything or getting back to people.

Darren Hughes spoke on the following subjects:

LDF – The number is now down from 1K and some  to 501.
The new development will be parallel with Woodland Grove – our informant has never heard, of Woodland Grove – probably another lack of attention by Hughes.

Darren went on at length on the subject of the public consultation. Surprise, surprise! Another consultation in August!

Brethren School & Gospel Hall
Hughes has done extensive surveys in Laughton Common and everyone he has spoken to is FOR this. (depends how the question is framed!)
There was only 1 person against!  He said?

He has been in consultation with RMBC and said it did not go through because it was not written up strongly enough. Darren emphasised it is a Gospel Hall and If they word the reapplication to the effect that the Gospel Hall is not on Green Belt, it would go through.
RMBC know if it goes to appeal it will cost a lot of money.
Outrageously Darren Hughes & RMBC appear to be telling the Brethren how to word this application so it will be successful. He confirmed they will be putting in another application.

The fumes/pollution is causing concern from premises on the Monksbridge Trading Estate.
Darren Hughes set up a meeting with both the Paper Factory and Trade B, but never turned up – He has never been to any of the subsequent meetings either.
It is Clive Jepson along with Sandra Wallhead and others who attend.

Darren Hughes is making out that he does a great deal for the community – despite never getting back to them!

Funny that! Anyone might suspect that he wants the mugs from Anston & Woodsetts Ward to re-elect him?

Naked politicking or what? Nothing for four years, then he waltzes in on his white charger telling everyone how wonderful he is, Not!

Fly on the wall

From RikiLeaks ‘snail mail’ inbox – Question for Darren?

RikiLeaks ‘snail mail’ inbox contained today this interesting question and observation on Anston & Woodsetts Tory Labour candidate Darren Hughes:

Question: Why is Darren Hughes standing at Anston & Woodssetts and not at Brinsworth & Catcliffe where he belongs?

Answer: An all women shortlist!

Hubris in Rotherham? Well I never!

When Rotherham Politics first learned that Iain StJohn was  to be Agent for Darren Hughes in the elections this year, we thought that things may well be ‘interesting’ to say the least. Iain StJohn had himself been a subject of a nine month police investigation for irregularities resulting from last years parish council elections! A very suitable choice then?

Last Fridays Advertiser carried a short piece on the difficulties Darren Hughes and Iain StJohn were in over the ‘Red Mist’ of posters, supporting Hughes, that went up the weekend of the 21st, just before the postal votes went out, 87% of Anston & Woodsetts ward vote that way, We understand!

On Monday representations were made to Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council about this illegal fly posting. Darren was duly ordered to take them down. Karl Battersby’s name has been mentioned in this regard.

Delaying tactics were then employed by the ‘Dodgy Darren’ campaign resulting in these illegal posters staying up for the crucial period of the postal votes. Most return postal votes within the first three days and with 87% of Anston & Woodsetts voters voting this way, by the weekend after when they started to come down, they would already have had the desired effect!

Why were they put up in the first place when Labours own Legal Handbook states:

“Fly-posting is illegal in any circumstances and no poster should be displayed without the consent of the owner of the property. Legal action can now be taken against those benefiting from fly-posting as well as those undertaking it.”

This advice is pretty unequivocal!

So there you have it, either they knew about this and carried on regardless or they were totally ignorant of this either way it demonstrates Labour’s hubris.

Iain StJohn and Darren Hughes, evidently think they have nothing to learn from their own sides advice, nor follow it as Labour ‘owns’ Rotherham Borough!

Have voters been conned? You bet they have!

Does ‘pride come before before a fall’?

Darren Hughes makes an ass of himself!

We have to give Darren one thing, his single minded determination to con the voters of Anston and Woodsetts Ward into re-electing ex-Tory boy, this time, as a Labour candidate!

Darren Hughes campaign materials up to now are consistent in containing mostly deliberate half-truths, inaccuracies and frank deceptions!

We at Rotherham Politics were very surprised to learn therefore, that Darren Hughes lodged a Police complaint about the nature of statements made in his Independent opponent, Clive Jepson’s, election address!

The complaint took issue with Clive’s assertion that Darren Hughes had been, I quote:

“Working to get a private religious school built on green belt land at Anston.”

We though the reports to be a joke when we first heard them, but they proved to be accurate.

Is Darren Hughes on the same planet to the rest of us? These are his own words on the subject in an email reproduced in this post:

“I’ve been working with the proposed applicant at all stages of their planning over the past year or so.”

The ‘fair comment defence’ is more than necessary to put paid to this ridiculous and spiteful complaint from this odious man! That or the ‘Arkell vs Pressdram’ defence! Scroll down a little way, we should warn you in advance that base language is present.

Darren Hughes confirms his duplicity over ‘Cult School’ for Anston!

From: C Jepson
Sent: Mon 28/11/2011 16:50
To: Hughes, Darren
Subject: Planning Application RB 2011/1568 Proposed School and Gospel
Hall Todwick Road/Common Road, North Anston

Dear Councillor Hughes,

As you were not present at the parish council meeting on the 21st
November when the above matter was discussed, perhaps you have now been
made aware that following a vote the council decided to object to the

A recorded vote was taken and your fellow Anston and Woodsetts Borough
Councillors voted in favour of the application with a third Borough
Councillor abstaining.

I would be grateful therefore if you could put on record your own views
on this issue.

Clive Jepson
Anston Parish Councillor

From: “Hughes, Darren” <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 16:30:33 -0000
Subject: RE: Planning Application RB 2011/1568 Proposed School and
Gospel Hall Todwick Road/Common Road, North Anston
To: C Jepson
Cc: “Dalton, Judy” <>, “Burton, Josephine”

Dear Clive,

Thank you for your email.  I’ve been working with the proposed applicant
at all stages of their planning over the past year or so.  Having had
discussions with RMBC planners, highways agency and taking into
consideration offers made by the applicant with regards to road safety
issues and discussions about their reasons for requesting to build on
greenbelt land and their criteria for this, in addition to other
concerns raised and discussed such as neighbouring properties, I can
confirm that I have no objection to the application.

I trust this information is straightforward and useful.

Kind regards,

Councillor Darren J L Hughes
Chairman Self Regulation Select Commission
Anston & Woodsetts Ward
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

T: 01709 367263  M: 07957 648423  E:

Rotherham Town Hall
The Croft
Moorgate Street
S60 2TH

See also: ‘Cult’ wants to build school on Anston’s greenbelt!

Darren the Defector an appreciation by Truth Seeker


Anston, both North & South is flooded with fly posters for Darren Hughes.  They are on lamp posts and telegraph posts.

The ones on the telegraph posts are nailed on both top and bottom with what I would describe as bolt nails.

I wonder if British Telecom know of this.  He should be prosecuted for vandalism.

This is the action of someone who does not care about his actions.

This is the action of someone who, to suit his own convenience, ditched his constituents who voted him in as a Conservative Councillor and defected to Labour.

This is the action of someone who did not have the courage to stand on his new platform and ask his constituents, by way of an election, if they were pleased to support him wearing his new hat.

This is the action of someone who is prepared to work with a religious sect to build on our precious Green Belt.

This is the action of someone who very very rarely gets back to the constituents he is supposed to represent.

Darren Hughes give 100% – A joke – if he means to his constituents

Darren Hughes gives 100% to partying




Truth Seeker

No Honours rebels in Rotherham – No surprise there then!

Grald-Hunter was amused to read this online news article – – and not too surprised to discover that there’s no names of past Corn Fed Hogs, Muppets and Clowns from Rovrum Town Hall Towers anywhere to be seen.

Nope not a one of Da Rovrum Laybah bruvvaz n sistaz, those stalwart socialist community gladiators who allegedly battle the entire system on behalf of us ordinary Joes n Joans, can be seen anywhere rejecting Honours from the Old Etonian capitalist system which they so apparently despise and wish so hard to change.

Instead we have the unedifying spectacle of our Borough’s champagne socialists jockeying for position to shamefully add some gong or other to their name, in the forlorn myopic hope that it represents a public accolade and recognition for their alleged efforts on our behalf.

Just imagine the excited childish discussions in the dark rooms where Da Grooip pass around various cards with the honours titles on and petulantly squabble among themselves for “OBE for Junketing n Waist Busting” or “MBE for 1st Class Rail Travel” or “CBE for Civic Buffoonery”.

Your town in their hands … OMG, that’s got to be worth a gong for “Services to Civic Comedy” 

Keep smiling,
